SGB: Episode 26

Episode 26: The Marauder (3)

“Ainar, always think of the worst-case scenario when something happens.”

Just look at what happened a while ago.

We ended up in this mess because we had a false sense of hope after encountering the human explorers.

The world doesn’t always go the way you want it to.

“We were able to escape from that place because that woman let us go. She must have thought she could catch us easily whenever she wanted. So it’s too early to let our guard down.”

I’m talking more than usual.

Let’s just get to the point.

“Right now, that woman is definitely—”

“Secretly watching us nearby.”

Damn it…

I thought she was just on her way here.

As expected, there’s always someone worse than you.

Or maybe there’s something wrong with my intelligence.


As Ainar and I put down our backpacks and get ready to fight, a woman emerges from the darkness.

She’s still not wearing a mask.

“What a shame, barbarians.”

…What the hell is with this creepy bitch?

“Still, your struggle earlier was impressive.”

Judging by her words, it seems like she’s been watching us for a while, regardless of the gnome’s ability…

But there’s something that doesn’t make sense logically.

“…Why did you show up only now?”

It took a few minutes for me to recover and move after drinking the potion.

Why didn’t she take advantage of that opportunity?

As I wait for an answer…

“Ugh, uwaaaaa!”

The blonde guy jumps up as if he’s been thrown to the ground and starts running with all his might.

Ainar and I are slow to react because we were focused on the psychopath bitch.



Something thin, like a needle, flies in a straight line and pierces the blonde guy’s neck.

Was it poisoned?

Despite the minor wound, the blonde guy convulses like an aspen leaf and soon goes limp.

That’s when I realize.

It’s not the time to be leisurely asking questions.


No need for long explanations between us.

The moment I call out her name…

As if she’s been waiting, Ainar pushes off the ground and leaps forward.

I do the same.

Because if we can’t escape…

We have no choice but to fight.


The marauder bitch dodges Ainar’s greatsword by bending her waist. And she blocks the mace I swing down with her dagger, timing it with her dodge.


This crazy…

Just how many essences has she absorbed?

Not only is the dagger that blocked the mace unharmed…

As the woman exerts force in return, I’m pushed back.

“Stop your pointless efforts, barbarian.”


That’s a bit of a difficult request.

Even if it’s pointless.


I’m a barbarian.

Although my mind hasn’t completely shed its modern ways…


I charge forward, swinging my shield as I clash with the dagger.

I throw away the mace and attempt a tackle, as expected.

As expected, she doesn’t budge an inch.

What’s with this scout’s physical strength? It’s so high?

Complaints come out involuntarily.

But even if I can’t take her down, I can at least grab onto her.

“Ainar! Now’s your chance!”

Before I can even finish shouting, Ainar’s greatsword is already swinging in a magnificent arc.

The marauder bitch, who had been expressionless the whole time, finally shows emotion on her face.


Surprise, or annoyance.

Hmm, maybe even anger.


I feel a sharp pain in my back.

Did she pierce my spine?

No, how did she even get past the armor?

Before I can ponder further, my strength drains away.

「Character is under the effect of [Paralysis].」

I try to grab onto her pants, but my body, which had been rampaging like a monster even after getting stabbed in the neck, doesn’t listen to me at all.


I hear another thudding sound.

Clatter! Ainar’s greatsword falls to the ground with a clang.

I move my eyes upwards to check, and I see a dagger deeply embedded in Ainar’s wrist.

I think this is the end, but…

Ainar doesn’t stop moving even as she groans in pain.


Instead of her right arm, which is disabled and weaponless, she swings her left fist.

Seeing her fighting spirit, I think I understand.

Why barbarians, who look no different from large humans, are treated as monsters by everyone.

However, her opponent is a bad matchup.


The woman dodges the fist with her agile movements and grabs Ainar’s wrist, twisting it and…


She slams her to the ground.

Ainar immediately tries to get up by pushing herself off the ground, but she keeps slipping and falling.

Her muscled arm is trembling.

The woman says coldly, watching her,

“Give up. You’ve been hit by the Basilisk’s paralysis poison, there’s nothing you can do.”

As if a death sentence has been passed.

My mind goes blank, and my vision darkens.

Equipment, skill, experience…

There’s a clear difference in every aspect.

No matter how much I rack my brain, I can’t think of any way to turn the situation around.

Just as the word “death” is etched into my mind…

“It would have been better if you had just listened.”

The woman bends down and releases my hand that’s gripping her pant leg, now stiff.

And she says dryly,

“Barbarian, swear that you won’t reveal today’s events to anyone. Then I’ll let you live.”


A brief silence follows.

Then the woman speaks.

“I intended to make this offer from the beginning, as long as you didn’t run away immediately. I owe a debt to a barbarian.”

I can instinctively feel that this is the only way to survive, but…

I don’t understand.

As I desperately raise my head to look at her, the woman explains briefly.

“If possible, I don’t want to kill a barbarian myself.”

Kill a barbarian myself…

Is that why she just watched as I was dying from the blonde guy’s attack?

Because she thought she could get what she wanted without getting her hands dirty?

“Bjorn… it’s a marauder’s words. Don’t trust her… She’s just trying to toy with us.”

But even if she says that, we don’t have a choice, do we?

Whether we get played and die, or just die…

It doesn’t make much difference to me.

I cough up the blood that has risen to my throat and ask,

“…What will you do if I refuse the offer…?”

“Of course, I’ll kill you. That was the agreement.”

“Agreement? With whom?”

“That’s none of your business.”

It’s the same tone as before, but it somehow sounds a bit more irritable.

“Choose. I’ll give you some time to—”

“I swear on my, honor as a warrior.”

I don’t need time.

It’s not like there are any other options.

“…Indeed, you’re a bit strange.”

The psychopath bitch, looking at me with a strange gaze for a moment, sprinkles something.

Sizzle! This familiar pain…

It’s a potion, no doubt about it.

「You have consumed a Recovery Potion (High).」

「Character’s paralysis status is removed.」

My stiff muscles loosen up, and I gradually regain strength in my body.

“What about you, female barbarian?”

The woman asks, looking away from me.

Ainar remains silent for a moment before answering.

“…I refuse.”

“I see.”

The woman doesn’t ask again.

She simply nods slightly.

But that action makes it even clearer.

Even though she hasn’t drawn a weapon or taken a threatening stance…

This woman will now kill Ainar.

And to prevent that outcome, there’s only one thing I can do.

“…Ainar, swear the oath.”


“Didn’t you say you would follow me?”

“That’s true, but a warrior’s oath…”

Damn it, what’s the point of clinging to that pride?

“Ainar, second daughter of Frenelin!!”

Ainar flinches at my shout.

I lower my voice and look into her eyes, speaking calmly.

“Trust me now. This is the right choice.”

After a moment of silence, Ainar speaks with difficulty.

“…Alright. I’ll swear the oath.”

“Good thinking.”

After Ainar also swears the oath, the psychopath bitch even uses a potion to heal her.

Is this the true meaning of carrot and stick?

The feeling of being forced into a choice through violence is no different than before.

It’s disgusting, fucking disgusting.

“…What floor are you on?”

I hurriedly ask the woman as she turns to leave.

She tilts her head for a moment at this sudden question, then answers briefly.

“8th floor.”

As expected, it wasn’t around the 5th floor.

No wonder she was so strong for a scout.

Even if I had ten more people with me, we would have been no match for her.



I watch the psychopath bitch disappear like smoke and make a promise to myself.

Next time will be different.

“Ainar, are you okay?”

“…I’m fine. I can get up on my own.”

Ainar pushes my hand away and stands up by herself.

I wonder if she’s disappointed in me, but maybe she’s disappointed in herself.

Barbarians have a stubborn side.


I decide to leave the complicated-looking Ainar alone for now and check my own condition.

First, this…


I take off the armor and check the back. There’s a dagger-sized hole.

The penetration is very clean.

…Could it be ‘Aura’?

Damn it.

To encounter such a monster on the 2nd floor, and in this vast Land of the Dead? What kind of shitty luck is this!

I can’t help but think that I need to get stronger as soon as possible.

Forget about going home, the only way to protect myself in this shitty world is to get stronger.

“Bjorn, what are we going to do now?”

“…We’re going down to the 1st floor.”

The Land of the Dead is not a bad hunting ground.

But I have no intention of staying here with that crazy bitch roaming around. She might change her mind and come back.

“I see… Alright.”

Ainar, completely dejected, follows my words without any questions.

Mental care is not my specialty, but…

Phew, I should at least try to say something to her once we get down.

She looks like the world is ending.

“Follow me closely.”

We follow the marks, avoiding most battles that we can.

After about 6 hours…

We finally make it back to the portal leading down to the 1st floor.


Once again, I land safely, while Ainar rolls on the ground.

And quite badly, at that.

However, she doesn’t even groan and slowly gets up as if nothing happened.

“…Doesn’t it hurt?”

“It does.”

“Then why…”

“I’m not a warrior, so I don’t have the right to feel pain.”

…The situation is much more serious than I thought.

Is it that humiliating to swear an oath as if begging for her life?

Hmm, come to think of it, that’s how it was in the game too.

“Um, Ainar…?”

“Why are you calling me?”

“The warrior who survives is the strong one. It’s not over with one defeat, isn’t it about opening up the possibility of victory in the future!”

“It’s hard to understand if you talk too long.”

I intentionally speak with energy, but Ainar’s voice is still gloomy.

“But somehow, I think I understand what you mean by ‘the warrior who survives is the strong one.’”

“Is, is that so?”

“To endure this humiliation and the urge to take my own life… it must mean that you’re a strong warrior, Bjorn, just like you.”

No, I don’t feel any of that…?

Taking one’s own life, what is she, a samurai?

That’s not what I meant either.

But there’s no need to deny something that just happened to work out.

“Ainar, you can do it.”

“I don’t know if I can overcome this pain, but… I’ll try.”

“Yes, someday there will come a day when you can avenge this humiliation.”

We resume our journey, offering sincere words of encouragement. And after deciding to camp at a suitable spot, we put Ainar to sleep first.

“I’ll wake you up in 2 hours.”

“…I’ll accept your consideration this time.”


Half right, half wrong.


It’s the morning of Day 3.

I haven’t slept for over 20 hours.

And after experiencing all that, I’m mentally exhausted.

But even if I had closed my eyes, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep for a while anyway.


Although I’m not experiencing extreme urges like Ainar…

I feel just as shitty.

It’s similar to the pain of drinking a potion.

No matter how many times I experience this kind of feeling, I just can’t get used to it.


I felt the same way when I was rescued by the blonde guy’s party the other day.

The priestess refused to heal me, looking into my eyes.

The swordsman threw the potion like a toy, as if it were a waste.

Even as I watched that, I lapped up the potion like a dog.

Of course, I was happy to be alive, but…

At the same time, an indescribable feeling welled up inside me.


I let out a long sigh, as if to shake off the intrusive thoughts.

What the hell am I doing?

It’s not like me to be so emotionally affected and tormented.

Maybe it’s time to bring that out.

I close my eyes and recall the advice given to me by someone I respected when I was young.

‘Remember, you’re nothing. You can never be someone special.’

It’s a magic spell that always made me a better person.

Yes, let’s use even this emotion as fuel.

Just like I always have.

That’s the most efficient way.


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