SGB: Episode 28

Episode 28: The Rift (2)

Daria Withember di Tersia.

A 5-year veteran explorer, she is currently traversing the 1st-floor Crystal Cave.

With her younger sister, who seems so young in her eyes.

“Erwen, you used spirit magic again.”

“Ah, sister, it’s just that it’s too hard with only a dagger…”

“I told you, even without a bow, even in situations where you can’t use spirit magic, you need to be able to protect yourself.”

“No, I understand that, but…”

“That’s enough. You’ll gradually improve as you keep practicing and exploring.”

Tersia takes Erwen around the 1st floor, putting her through harsh practical training.

It’s all for her younger sister.

And her sister knows that too.

But as time goes on, it’s obvious that she’s getting tired.

“Ah, mister said it’s better to specialize in what you’re best at…”


“Trusting your team and doing your best at your assigned role, that’s, that’s the basics of being an explorer, he said.”

Tersia is speechless as she listens blankly.

Because it’s such a truthful statement.

How great would it be if the world always worked so righteously?

“Erwen, companions are just companions. Don’t place too much value on them.”

Tersia has experienced many teams.

From the 6th-floor exploration team she was part of until recently, to hunting teams that target specific monsters with high profitability, to running teams that focus on portal opening achievements.

She’s been through a lot, traveling with various people. Among those experiences, there are many things she doesn’t want to tell Erwen.

Companions are not to be trusted.

Unless they’re family, connected by blood.

“I understand…”

Erwen doesn’t talk back anymore, seeing Tersia’s stern expression.

Time passes, and it becomes Day 4.

Erwen, who has circled the 1st floor clockwise, has grown enough to defeat all monsters with just a dagger.

Naturally, she has also leveled up in the process.

“Um, sister? I’ve also leveled up, so can’t we just go to the 2nd floor now? Mister must be earning a ton of money on the 2nd floor by now…”

Tersia smiles as if she finds it cute.

What’s the big deal about catching a few more monsters on the 2nd floor?

“Erwen, a rift will open soon.”

A rift.

Even experienced mid-level adventurers might never enter one if they’re unlucky.

Erwen tilts her head.

“How do you know that, sister?”

“The last time a rift opened on the 1st floor was 8 months ago.”

Tersia explains things one by one as if dealing with a young child.

The statistical reason why a rift is bound to open within the next 3 days, since it’s Day 4 today.

“I see… Mister didn’t tell me that.”

Well, that’s natural.

Although Erwen keeps calling him ‘mister, mister,’ he’s just a newbie.

He’s probably making inefficient choices from an experienced player’s perspective, like blindly going up floors and making mistakes.

“Erwen, don’t be impatient and trust your sister. In just a year, there will be a huge gap between you and that barbarian.”

Sometimes, the slow path is the fastest path.

“Uh-huh… then I can help him when that happens!”

“Yes, you can.”

Tersia nods as if she’s proud.

It’s uncertain whether that barbarian will even be alive by then, and even if he is, she can always stop her then.

At least she wants her sister to maintain her innocence.

As she’s thinking that…


The labyrinth shakes as if there’s an earthquake.

It’s a phenomenon that occurs when a rift opens.


Tersia grabs Erwen’s hand and sprints down the passageway. And soon, they discover a portal that’s shaking unsteadily.

It’s a rift.

Portals like this must have appeared all over the 1st floor by now, numbering in the thousands.

Now, every second counts in this race against time.


Tersia throws herself towards the portal with Erwen.

But at that moment…


The portal disappears.


Tersia lands on the bare ground after traversing the air and clicks her tongue in disappointment.

“…We were a step too late.”

If she had thrown her sister in first instead of entering together, they might have succeeded.


“…There will be other chances.”

It can’t be helped.

After all, what if her sister enters the rift alone and dies?

“Erwen, let’s go to the 2nd floor.”

I repeat, sometimes the slow path is the faster one.

Equivalent exchange.

I really like this saying.

But unfortunately, the world doesn’t operate on this principle.

Just look at what happened when I encountered the psychopath bitch.

I barely managed to stay alive, but I gained nothing.

‘No, I was even kicked out of the Land of the Dead and wasted a ton of time.’

But this time is different.

This time, I made the choice.

Therefore, there will definitely be consequences.

Well, probably.


I tense up as I see the remaining two team members, a human man and woman.

The man lands with a heavy thud and has no particularly noteworthy features, but…

The woman is different.


As if defying gravity, the woman slowly descends and lands softly.

Seeing this sight, even the talkative dwarf opens his mouth wide in surprise.

I’m the same.

“To see a mage here.”


They’re the undisputed strongest class in [Dungeon and Stone], receiving preferential treatment wherever they go, simply because of their status.

“Bjorn, are mages that amazing? Wasn’t the librarian also a mage?”

The female mage frowns in displeasure at Ainar’s question.

I quickly speak up before we get on her bad side.

“The librarian is a 9th-grade mage.”

“Is that different?”

It is.

Very much so.

If they are high-level workers who work in guilds, public institutions, or workshops, this woman is what you would call a real mage.

The fact that she entered the labyrinth is proof of that.

Mages are a valuable resource in Lafdonia, so they can’t enter the labyrinth unless they prove their skills.

“I see!”

“Yes, that’s right. You’re quite knowledgeable for a barbarian.”

The female mage joins the conversation in a calm voice, as if satisfied with my clear explanation.

The corners of her mouth are slightly raised in a smile, and I have a feeling I know what kind of personality she has.

“Hello, my name is Arrua Raven, a 6th-grade mage. This gentleman here is a professional porter I hired. What was your name again?”

“Tarjin, Lady Raven.”

Now that I see it, they’re a pair.

Anyway, it’s not bad.

There’s a subtle feeling of looking down on people, but among mages, this is considered polite.

There were much worse assholes in the game.

“Could you please introduce yourselves as well?”

“I’m Hikurod Murad. It’ll be a short journey, but I look forward to working with you, Lady Raven.”

“What year are you in, Mr. Murad?”

“3rd year.”

A 3rd-year explorer…

No wonder every piece of his equipment looks high-quality.

“I am Bjorn, son of Yandel.”

I briefly state my name and ask directly,

“There’s no reason for you to be operating on the 1st floor, so how did you get into the rift?”

Most explorers who operate on the 1st floor are poorly equipped.

That’s why I expected to have to struggle a lot to clear the rift.

But a 3rd-year dwarf and a 6th-grade mage?

This is a bit too suspicious to be a coincidence.

“I can’t explain the details, but I heard that a rift would open in this cycle.”

“Same here.”

Is this a case of pulling the ladder up after them?

Raven and the dwarf both remain silent about the method, as if they had made a promise.

Of course, it doesn’t matter much.

I can already guess how they figured it out.

“I am Ainar, second daughter of Frenelin.”

As everyone finishes introducing themselves, Raven takes the lead in the conversation.

“We’ll split the loot equally among everyone except Mr. Tarjin here. In return, could you all please follow my instructions?”

“I have no objections. It’s common sense to follow the mage’s lead in the labyrinth.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

The dwarf agrees first, and Raven’s gaze turns to the two of us.

It doesn’t take long to make a decision.

Since there’s a mage in the team, there’s nothing good about standing out.

It was the mages who first recognized the existence of ‘evil spirits’ and persuaded the royal family to declare them targets for eradication.

Damn it…

Clearing the rift is no longer the issue.

“I also agree.”

Let’s just aim for half.

She complimented me earlier, saying I was knowledgeable for a barbarian, but I don’t know when that gaze might turn into suspicion.

“I refuse.”


Everyone’s attention turns to Ainar’s firm voice.

“I don’t know what’s so great about being a mage. I’d like Bjorn to lead us.”

No, I agreed, why are you doing this?

I want to cover her mouth right now, but that would only make us look more suspicious.

Raven then asks cautiously,

“Bjorn… you mean this barbarian, right?”

“That’s right. Bjorn is no ordinary barbarian!”

“What do you mean by ‘no ordinary barbarian’?”

“Bjorn is a warrior who is wiser than anyone else. He reads books in the library for six hours every day.”

“Hmm, he certainly sounds unique.”

“He’s not unique, he’s great! I’ve never seen a barbarian as smart as Bjorn!”

Damn it…

Please stop…

Despite Ainar’s excessive praise, everyone just looks at me with a strange gaze and considers it a passing remark.

They probably think it’s just barbarian eccentricity.

At least for now.

“But! Isn’t Bjorn better than that mage!”

Maybe the phrase ‘for a barbarian’ from earlier offended her?

I’m glad I made her swear an oath beforehand.

Otherwise, she might have revealed everything, including the dimensional instability and the fact that I opened the rift.

“It’s a blessing to be respected by your wife. I’m envious, barbarian! Hahaha!”

“Ah, wife? I’m not like that!”

“Hahaha! You don’t have to be embarrassed!”

“Ugh! I’m, I’m not embarrassed!!”

Regardless of the content, thanks to the talkative dwarf, Ainar’s aggro is diverted elsewhere.

I also sigh in relief and observe Raven’s expression.

As I had worried, she’s not particularly interested in me.

“Hmm, so it’s a barrier that we can’t leave. Interesting. It seems to isolate dimensions, but how can we see the other side with our eyes?”

It’s a scholar-like curiosity, I suppose.

She seems to be wondering about the principles of this barrier that prevents us from leaving the map, muttering to herself while taking notes…

I hope her interest doesn’t shift to me until the moment we part ways.

“Everyone, please stop and let’s get going. There’s a lot to investigate to obtain samples.”

“Set off? We still only know each other’s names…”

The dwarf tilts his head at the words of Raven, who is in command.

I feel the same way.

A team needs to know what abilities each member has and what they can do.

Even for a makeshift team like this, it’s basic to reveal your core essences before starting.

However, Raven cuts it off, saying it’s unnecessary.

“Is there any reason to do that? The monsters that appear in the Crimson Fortress are all 7th-grade or lower.”

Her voice is filled with absolute confidence.

At this, the dwarf shows a slightly uncomfortable expression, but he doesn’t voice it.

Not until she says one more thing.

“Ah, I didn’t mention this, but I’ll take all the loot from the guardian. There’s something I need to research separately.”

What the hell is with this shameless bitch?

Ha, no wonder she seemed decent for a mage.

‘Damn it.’

As expected, things are about to go to shit again.


  1. Loot division, number one way to create in fighting


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