SGB: Episode 35

Episode 35: Warrior (3)

My mind is blank, and my vision is blurry.

Pain? Needless to say.

It feels like my whole body is being torn apart and then pickled in salt water.

I want to give up on everything right now, but…


I forcefully cast aside my weak thoughts.

When faced with a crossroads, humans must choose.

What to discard, and what to protect in return.


Something sharp stabs deep into my thigh.

It’s okay.

It’s not a fatal wound.

However, perhaps enraged by the prey that doesn't die no matter how much it's torn apart…


The vampire bastard’s movements become even more ferocious.

But what I have to do remains the same.

Raising the shield that’s been halved in size from being cut and torn, I somehow protect my vital points.


Unable to withstand the attacks of a 5th-grade monster, the shield is ripped off, leaving only the handle.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I raise my arm to protect my head instead of the shield.

At that moment…


Something, not claws, crashes against my head and shatters, showering me with sharp fragments.

「The essence of the Corpse Golem seeps into the character’s soul.」

The pain dulls in an instant.

「Pain Resistance increased by +70.」

New vitality flows into my exhausted body.

「Strength increased by +15.」

My blurry vision clears.

The first thing I see is the vampire bastard’s sharp claws swinging down towards my arm, which is covering my head.

I instinctively imagine my arm being severed entirely, but…

What actually happens is completely different.


The claws easily pierce through the soft flesh.

But that’s all that’s allowed.


The claws are blocked by the bone, unable to go any further.

Only then do I realize.

What this mysterious power is.

「Bone Density increased by +55.」

「Poison Resistance increased by +12.」

「Perception decreased by -5.」

「Appetite increased by +9.」

「Weight increased by +21.」

「Due to the passive skill [Acidic Fluids], the character’s blood contains acidic properti… 」

A sense of relief and regret washes over me at the same time.

‘So she fed me the Corpse Golem’s essence…’

Because of this, my build will require significant adjustments.

However, if I take a short-sighted view of the present moment…

It’s very positive.

My chances of survival have increased.


I roll back on the ground and get up.

Is it thanks to the Pain Resistance effect?

Now that the pain issue has been somewhat resolved, I can move without much difficulty.

‘But what about the guardian’s essence? Since I absorbed the Corpse Golem’s essence, is that nullified?’

I dismiss the thought that suddenly crosses my mind.

That’s something I can think about later.


The vampire, surprised by the sudden rejuvenation of his prey, charges at me enthusiastically.

My body moves to dodge, but what happens afterwards is not much different from before.

Well, it’s not like absorbing one 7th-grade essence would allow me to overpower a 5th-grade monster.

A meat shield that was lying down and getting beaten up can now stand up and move.

‘That’s all that’s changed.’

Even while making this self-deprecating assessment, I chuckle.

Thump! Slash! Clang!

The claws tear through my flesh and rip into my internal organs.

The potions I had swallowed and stored in my stomach seem to have been fully digested, as the regeneration speed is slow.

But it doesn’t matter.

The stingy mage has also realized that her life is in danger and has started pouring out her wealth.


A glass bottle flies towards me and shatters, pouring its contents onto my body.

「The [Recovery (High)] effect rapidly regenerates the body.」

Could it be a high-grade potion?

It definitely seems more effective than the potion the blonde guy gave me.


The wounds start healing even faster than before.

I charge towards the bastard aggressively.

So what if my flesh is cut and my muscles are torn?

It’ll all heal in a few seconds anyway.



I let out a battle cry to match the vampire and engage in close combat.

Because there’s no choice.

I don’t know where the mace is, and the shield has already turned into scrap metal and been discarded somewhere.

“Kya, kyaak?!”

The vampire, who seems to have never encountered an explorer who uses grappling techniques, panics as I cling to his back like a cicada and strangle him.

Hmm, is he panicking or suffering?


Smoke billows from the spot where our flesh touches.


I can’t tell if it’s the smoke from my acidic blood burning him or the smoke from my body healing with the potion, but…

It doesn’t matter.

‘It’s probably both.’

Even as we’re locked in this struggle, another potion bottle flies towards me and shatters with a ‘Crash!’

「The [Recovery (High)] effect rapidly regenerates the body.」

As expected, potions and acid are just a fine line apart.

As soon as the potion breaks, the vampire, who was being strangled, screams even louder and throws me off with ease.

The overwhelming difference in strength is evident.


“Damn it, you’re nothing special, bastard.”

I’m starting to see a way out.

In this state, in Barbarian Immortal Mode, I can hold out against this bastard for minutes.

I have that confidence.

“Bjorn! I’ll help!”

Even Ainar rejoins the battlefield.

“What about Murad?”

“That porter is taking care of him!”

Ainar’s joining has an even more positive effect.

I take on the role of the main tank, drinking potions, and whenever things get a bit dangerous, Ainar swings her greatsword to create some breathing room.

The battle becomes much easier.


“Ainar! Dodge! The crows are coming!”

Ainar leaps back at my shout, and the bastard’s body transforms into hundreds of crows and flies towards us. However, they don’t reach us because we moved first.

“As expected, Bjorn is amazing! How did you know this was coming?”

Well, because the bastard always winks with one eye before using this move.

It’s not a racial characteristic of vampires, but more like a habit unique to this guy.

It really feels like the end is in sight.

“I’m so sorry! Everyone held out well! Hwahahaha!”

The dwarf, who has healed his injuries with potions, also rejoins the battlefield.

He even brought the porter with him.

“I’ll help too from now on.”

“We’ll support you from the sides!”

Naturally, I continue to act as the main tank.

It’s not like everyone else is holding back or anything.

The 3rd-year dwarf warrior says to the 2-month-old barbarian,

“Great warrior Bjorn, son of Yandel! I’m sure you can do it! Hahaha!”

It seems like he’s trying to be complimentary, but…

‘He means I have to keep rolling around like a dog until the very end.’

Is it my destiny to never be able to just reap the benefits without suffering?

It’s nothing new at this point.


As the four of us surround the vampire bastard, the moment I’ve been desperately waiting for finally arrives.

[It’s done.]

If her words, “it’s done,” mean that she has finished recovering her mana, completed the casting of ‘Black Sun Orb,’ and even finished ‘Attribute Enhancement’…

Then it means that all the preparations are complete.

In other words, it’s time to end this goddamn long fight and get out of here.

[I can cast the spell at any time.]

The moment I hear her confirmation, I shout loudly.

“Murad! Now’s the time! Use ‘Lightning Discharge’!”

It’s an instruction that we never agreed on or even mentioned once.

But the dwarf immediately follows my instructions without any complaints.

Crackle, crackle!

A yellow light surrounds the dwarf’s hammer, and sparks start to fly.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Lightning].」

It’s the ability of the 7th-grade monster, ‘Ilatrek’.

The effect is to make a strong electric current flow through a part of the body.

In that state, the dwarf lowers his hammer.

As if he’s about to swing it upwards.

“Everyone, it’s best to stay away for a bit! Hahaha!”

The dwarf gives a brief warning and swings his hammer with all his might into the air.

The fact that he’s far away from the target, the vampire?

Such a trivial thing doesn’t matter.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Discharge].」

One of the rare ‘transformation’ abilities in [Dungeon and Stone], ‘Discharge’.

Its effect is to allow you to ‘release’ the ‘energy’ acquired through other abilities.


The electric current surrounding the hammer shoots out in the form of a sphere, like a cannonball, and…



The physical force is weaker compared to the sound.

There’s no crater on the ground, and the vampire’s limbs aren’t torn off.


「Vampire Duke Cambormier has entered a [Stunned] state.」

The point of this combo was never about power in the first place.

Leaving behind the dwarf who instantly stunned the 5th-grade monster, I send a signal to the back.

In a very analog way.


Fortunately, the signal seems to have been transmitted properly, as a strong light gathers on the rooftop about 200 meters away.

I hurriedly take out the item I had hidden in my boot.

The ‘Tears of the Goddess’, a small jewel the size of a fingernail.

The one I’ve been saving and saving for this very moment, despite all the dangers we’ve faced.


I charge forward, clutching it tightly in my hand.

And I shove it into the bastard’s mouth and…


…punch upwards with all my might to close it.


I hear something breaking, and soon a white light bursts from the bastard’s mouth.

「The Tears of the Goddess have been destroyed.」

「[Grace] descends upon the location of destruction.」

「[Grace] temporarily seals all resistances of Vampire Duke Cambormier and deals significant damage.」

Blood flows profusely from the vampire’s mouth.

He looks fine on the outside, but he’s a mess on the inside.

I’m surprised once again.

As expected, he doesn’t die from just this.

「The strong impact changes Vampire Duke Cambormier’s [Stunned] state to [Paralysis].」

The bastard’s fingers twitch, as if the stun has worn off.

‘Is it not done yet? We can’t be late…’

As I turn my head back…

「Arrua Raven has cast the 6th-grade attack spell [Black Sun Orb].」

A dazzling sphere of black flames passes right by me.

I belatedly regret.


Ah, damn it, I should have run away…

「Character is caught in the explosion of [Black Sun Orb] and enters a [Stunned] state.」

「Vampire Duke Cambormier has cast [Pain Sharing].」

「Hikurod Murad has entered a [Stunned] state.」

「Ainar Frenelin has entered a [Stunned] state……」


A piercing sound like a static-filled TV channel rings in my head.

And through the ringing, I hear the sound of a conversation.

A conversation with a tone like a comedy skit.

[What do you mean you’re selling grilled meat at a butcher shop!]

[No, it’s raw meat!]

[No, it’s grilled, how can it be raw meat!]


I open my eyes as I listen to their conversation.

[It’s alive, isn’t it?]

I see the dark sky.

I smell grilled meat.

Is it coming from me?


When I open my mouth, a dry, scratchy sound comes out.

My ears are fine too.

I decide to focus on the positive aspects as much as possible.

“Keuheok! Urgh!”

The attack spell ‘Black Sun Orb’ with the sun attribute, a combination of fire and holy attributes.

Naturally, its power is weaker than ‘Flame Storm’ of the same grade.

That’s the only thing I can be grateful for.

Otherwise, I would have died on the spot.

‘But why is it so quiet…?’

I was momentarily stunned by the ‘Black Sun Orb’.

That much is clear, but I don’t have enough information to understand the current situation.

Why haven’t I been healed yet, and why can’t I hear any sounds around me?


I push myself up with my hands, which are covered in pus, and force my eyes to focus as I check the front.

First, I see the vampire bastard.

“Damn it.”

Why is that thing still alive?

Of course, the bastard is also a mess.

Both his arms are torn off, and I can see bones through the ripped flesh on his upper chest.

He even seems unconscious.


「Vampire Duke Cambormier’s regeneration is greatly increased due to the [Immortal] effect.」

Even now, his wounds are healing.

Considering that it’s proportional to lost health, it won’t take long for the flesh on his chest to heal and his arms to grow back.

“Da, mn it….”

I see several people collapsed around me.

The dwarf, Ainar, and the porter bastard.

I have a feeling the mage on the roof over there is also in the same situation…

I’m confused.

What the hell is this bullshit?

Why is everyone unconscious after we caught him?

What the hell happened while I was unconscious?

It doesn’t seem like much time has passed?

All sorts of questions arise, but…

I decide to put them all aside and take a step forward with my legs that barely move.


I still don’t understand the situation.

But one thing is crystal clear.

What do I have to do right now?


Vampire Duke Cambormier.

I have to kill him before he regains consciousness.

There’s no other answer in this situation.

No matter how rich the mage is, she can’t have an infinite number of potions. It’s safe to say that we can’t use the potion-tanking strategy like before.


That’s why I keep walking, even though I’m staggering.

The pain that pierces through even Pain Resistance?

I ignore it, pretending I don’t feel it, and move my legs that smell like steak forward.


Pain is a signal to live.

At least, that’s what I think.

There was a time when I thought otherwise, but for now, that’s how it is.

So I keep walking.


As I get closer, even this vampire bastard starts to smell like grilled meat. I relax the strength in my knees and collapse onto him.

“You, piece of, shit….”

The wound on his chest, which was so deep that I could see his bones, has already healed considerably while I was walking.

I can’t help but curse.


So I punch him in the chest.

The vampire’s weakness is his heart.

These bastards can come back to life even if their brains are destroyed, as long as their hearts are intact.

‘Ah, that’s why this bastard’s arms were ripped off. Did he block the ‘Black Sun Orb’ with his arms?’

I belatedly imagine the moment I missed, but as always, I let it go.


I punch him again.

The absence of equipment is felt more strongly than ever.

But if you don’t have teeth, you have to chew with your gums.


I don’t know where the mace is, and the shield has already turned into trash and been thrown away somewhere.

Although Ainar’s greatsword and the dwarf’s war hammer are lying on the ground…

‘I didn’t think of picking them up.’

Well, I wouldn’t have had the strength to do so anyway.

As I continue punching, the straps of my half plate armor, which is dented and riddled with holes, snap and it falls to the ground.

‘My 360,000 stones…’

Looking at the half plate armor, corroded here and there by the acidic blood, it seems like repairing it would be difficult.

But what really breaks my spirit is something else.

“Damn it.”

This is like pouring water into a bottomless pit.

No matter how much I punch him, nothing changes.

How are his ribs so strong?

I thought they would break and pierce his heart if I kept hitting them.

‘Alright, let’s abandon this plan.’

I always like to have a Plan B.

Because Plan A rarely works.

‘Come to think of it, I’ve never done this before…’

…Is this how you do it?

Erwen said that visualization is important.

‘Flesh Explosion.’

Hmm, it really works.


The hand I placed on his chest explodes.

The explosive power isn’t that great, but the acidic substances mixed with the flesh and blood create a small crater in his chest.

Even that heals quickly, but…

‘I didn’t expect it to work with just one try anyway.’

I cast [Flesh Explosion] again and again.

After about ten times…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

My left hand is completely mangled.

Maybe it’s because of the increased Bone Density, but the bones are intact and only the flesh is gone, making it look like a skeleton.

Anyway, I can’t use my left hand anymore.

‘Then it’s the right hand’s turn.’

Even though I feel like it’s something no sane person would do, I keep chanting the spell in my head.

I place my right hand on his chest.

‘Flesh Explosion, Flesh Explosion, Flesh Explosion…’

I keep detonating it.

I ignore the excruciating pain that surpasses my limits.

It feels like I’m dying, but I’m not doing this to die.

I will definitely survive.


His chest caves in once more.

But maybe this is the barbarian’s combat intuition?

I can feel it more clearly than ever.

‘One more time.’

Just one more time.

That’s all it takes.


‘Flesh Explosion.’

Instead of my right arm, which has almost no flesh left, I press my chest against him and trigger another explosion.

And at the same time…

「Killed Vampire Duke Cambormier. EXP +5」

The vampire bastard’s body turns into particles of light.

So, even you can die.

「Higher Variant Kill Bonus. EXP +1」

「Guardian Kill Bonus. EXP +3」

My chest swells with emotion.

Not a metaphor, but literally.

Having experienced it once before, I understand my current situation perfectly.

「Character level has increased.」

「Soul Power increased by +10.」

「Maximum absorbable essence increased by +1.」

I leveled up.

I’m not particularly happy about it.

It was just a matter of time, and…

[Dungeon and Stone] isn’t a game where leveling up restores your health.

「Mental stat decreases by 3 per second. (16/46)」

How many seconds do I have left to live?

Who knows, but it’s probably 5 seconds at most.

‘…Do I have to leave the rest to luck in the end?’

It’s a situation I don’t like, no matter how many times I think about it.

However, I decide not to have any regrets.

‘In the game, the probability of a guardian dropping an essence in a rift is about 33%.’


It’s a very low chance to risk your life on.

But it’s incomparably higher than 0%.

‘There’s no reason not to do it, even thinking about it again.’

I grin as if to shake off any lingering thoughts.

I struggled until the very end.

So now all I can do is wait for the result.

「Mental stat decreases by 3 per second. (13/46)」

「Mental stat decreases by 3 per second. (10/46)」

「Mental stat decreases by 3 per second…….」

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.

As time passes, my eyes close.

‘Did I fail…?’

It’s not a failure due to a mistake.

Just bad luck.

‘Maybe this is the ending that suits me best.’

I close my eyes, as if surrendering to the flow.

Hoping that when I open my eyes again, I’ll be back as the 29-year-old office worker Lee Hansu.


Well, that’s not going to happen, though.





「The essence of [Vampire-Guardian] seeps into the character’s soul.」

「Natural Regeneration increased by +40.」

「Strength increased by +15.」

「Agility increased by +15.」

「Magic Resistance increased by +30…….」




「Due to the passive skill [Source of Darkness], the character will not die until the heart is destroyed.」

「Character’s regeneration is greatly increased due to the [Immortal] effect.」

「Character’s vitality has recovered to above 1%.」

「Countdown stopped.」

「Achievement Unlocked」

Condition: Survived after countdown.

Reward: Mental stat permanently increases by +10.

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 3 (New +1)

Physical: 155(New +75) / Mental: 90(New +44) / Ability: 115(New +85)

Item Level: 98 (New -104)

Total Combat Index: 381.5 (New +204)

Acquired Essence: Corpse Golem - Rank 7, Vampire(Guardian) - Rank 5 (New)




「Abnormal growth rate detected.」

「The administrator will monitor this character.」


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