SGB: Episode 37

Episode 37: Guild (2)

I’m sitting in a chair.

It uniquely comes with iron shackles for the arms and legs, and the chair itself is bolted to the floor.

‘Can’t they at least give me some time to rest?’

To further explain the situation, I’m currently in an interrogation room located in the basement of the Explorer’s Guild.

Across from me sits an interrogator.

He appears to be in his mid-thirties, and his defining characteristics are his morbid obesity and condescending tone.

“I’m Koldo Bierman, in charge of investigating this case. I’ll be asking you a few questions, so I’d appreciate it if you could cooperate with the investigation.”

“Investigation? Shouldn’t you first tell me why I was brought here?”

I ask without backing down.

I don’t expect the presumption of innocence, but at least this much should be a reasonable right as a defendant in this era—


The interrogator kicks me in the shin.

Looking at his face, he’s grinning smugly as if nothing happened.

“Rule number one, you only answer my questions. Got it?”

“…Got it.”

“Hmph, as long as you follow the rules, you won’t get hurt, so you can relax about that.”

Hurt my ass.

After all the shit I went through in the labyrinth, do you think a kick to the shin would even tickle?

This guy definitely has some kind of delusion about his job.

“Anyway, to answer your question… Bjorn Yandel, you’ve been brought here on suspicion of looting within the labyrinth.”

“…Suspicion of looting?”

Just as I’m wondering what kind of nonsense he’s spouting…

The interrogator grabs my backpack, turns it upside down, and dumps the contents onto the floor.

“Whew, there’s a lot of stuff.”

Exploration tools like torches and sleeping bags.

Special items acquired from the Crimson Fortress.

And among the food and various miscellaneous items, the interrogator picks out only the equipment and places it on the table.

Most of them are items from the 4-person party that backstabbed us in the Land of the Dead.

“If you didn’t loot them, where did you get these? Barbarians don’t use bows.”

“Those belong to the guys who tried to kill me first.”



There’s no way I would have that, but there’s no reason to act submissively either.

I ask in return,

“Then is there any proof that what I’m saying is not true?”

“Well, that’s what we’re going to investigate now.”

“You arrest people and conduct investigations based on just this?”

This is the part I don’t understand the most.

This is different from the usual practices of the Explorer’s Guild.

It’s an unspoken rule of this city that the guild doesn’t ask anything without evidence, regardless of what explorers bring out of the labyrinth.

Therefore, the guild never takes the initiative to track down marauders unless there’s a report or testimony.


“The internal regulations of the guild changed a few days ago.”

If they say that, there’s nothing I can do.

This is a world where many people live, not just a game.

“The official directive is to apply it to 9th-grade explorers first, to deter looting.”

In short, they’re testing it out on the easiest targets first.

No matter where you go, life is tough if you’re of low status.

I can roughly guess the criteria for being investigated.

Whether you brought back a lot of magic stones, or if you have equipment that seems to belong to someone else in your backpack. That kind of thing.

Then I had two strikes against me from the start?

“So, tell me. Where did you get these items?”

Anyway, it seems like his initial attitude was just to intimidate me, because the interrogator continues the investigation normally afterwards.

So I also try to be as cooperative as possible and explain what happened.

Ah, of course, I leave out the part about the psychopath bitch.

If I talk about her, I’ll have to mention the oath, and a barbarian who breaks an oath will be seen as strange no matter where he goes.

Getting accused of murder is much less dangerous than being branded as an evil spirit. Especially since there’s no room for excuses in the latter case.

‘And I might get killed by that woman without a trace if I report her.’

Therefore, I only give a brief statement about encountering the group of four marauders and miraculously defeating them after being put under the ‘Suppression’ status.

However, the interrogator just looks bored.

“What? You survived after getting stabbed in the neck? You’re telling lies that even a child wouldn’t believe.”

“I only spoke the truth.”

“Then where’s the scar on your neck? If what you said is true, there should be a mark.”

I unconsciously touch my neck.

It’s smooth, without any bumps.

The reason is obvious.

My natural regeneration became so high after absorbing the vampire’s essence that even the scar healed.

‘…Why are things getting complicated again?’

I have no choice but to talk about the rift as well.

The only problem is, the interrogator doesn’t even listen to me.

“Puhaha! A rift? A vampire appeared? Is it because you’re a barbarian that your words make no sense!”

“I swear to the heavens, everything I’m saying is true.”

He seems to have already made up his mind, as even the warrior’s oath, which usually works like a charm, is useless this time.

“What honor does a looter have to swear on?”

At this point, I’m getting pissed off.

“Then call a mage! We can verify it with magic!”

There’s no need for such a long conversation.

Just one spell is enough to determine the truth.

However, the interrogator just smirks as if it’s ridiculous.

“Only those of 7th grade or higher can officially request verification from the guild.”

Damn it, when did this change?

So 9th-grade explorers aren’t even treated as human beings.

“What if I pay for it?”

“The money will be confiscated by the state when you die. We can’t waste it on something meaningless.”

Bullshit, it’s because the amount of money he can embezzle will decrease.

“Just confess to your crimes.”

It seems like it will take time to prove my innocence.

Fifteen days of labyrinth life come to an end as the blinding midday sun envelops my body.

Erwen stands still for a moment, as if enjoying the warmth.

Perhaps due to the stark contrast in environment, fragments of memories from the past days flash through her mind.

‘I didn’t know the 3rd floor would be that difficult…’

The 3rd floor, which she entered with her sister.

The strength of the 7th-grade monsters, which she experienced for the first time.

And even the 6th-grade monster they encountered by chance at the end, although it was mostly her sister who fought.

It was truly a journey that felt like a real exploration.

The first labyrinth exploration with mister wasn’t bad either, but… back then, she was too busy trying to survive, so it was all a blur.

‘Mister will be so surprised if I tell him.’

She wants to run over and tell him about everything she experienced in the labyrinth. And she wants to ask him how he did.

The thought of it energizes her exhausted body.

‘If I tell him I got a new essence, will he react like last time…?’

That’s a bit worrying, but…

For some reason, her steps are lighter than usual.

Erwen heads straight for the exchange office for 9th-grade explorers.

‘Did we miss each other this time? I don’t see mister…’

“184,100 stones.”


“That’s quite a large amount for a 9th-grade explorer?”

“I was with my sister!”

“Could I get her name?”

“Daria Withember di Tersia.”

“Yes, confirmed. You may go.”

She exchanges her magic stones, meets her sister outside, unpacks their belongings at the inn, and spends three hours washing herself and changing into new clothes. Then, she heads straight for Bjorn’s inn.

But what’s going on?

“You’re that fairy lady who comes every day, right? But what a shame, Room 302 hasn’t returned yet.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Bjorn is not at the inn.

What’s going on?

It seems like the room fee has been paid in advance, and his belongings are still in the room, but…

“Are you going to keep waiting?”

“Yes! He’ll be back soon!”


The usually kind innkeeper clicks his tongue with a disapproving look, for some reason.

How much time has passed since then?

The sun has set, and it’s been several hours.

“Excuse me, why are you taking things out of mister’s room without permission?”

“Geez, you’re being annoying. Hey miss, do you have any documents?”

“Do, documents?”

“You know, a certificate or something that says you’re companions with that barbarian or that he entrusted his belongings to you.”

“I don’t have anything like that… no! More importantly, what do you mean by ‘belongings’!”

“Then what other reason could there be for him not returning after this much time has passed since the labyrinth closed? He must have died inside the labyrinth!”

With that, the innkeeper kicks her out.

Erwen squats down in front of the inn, feeling dejected.

‘Died? That can’t be…’

It’s nonsense.

Even though it’s common for explorers to die in the labyrinth, she can’t imagine him dying.

So she sits there and waits.

And as morning turns to night, and night turns to morning again…

“I found you.”

Her sister comes looking for her.

Her sister doesn’t scold her for staying out for two days or ask any questions.

She just holds out her hand.

“…Let’s go eat first.”

Erwen takes her hand and gets up, thinking to herself.

She doesn’t know the exact reason.

She knows that this and that are completely unrelated, but…

“Sister, I want to become stronger.”

She feels that way for some reason.

More strongly than ever before.

I’m locked up in a thick iron cell.

All my belongings have been confiscated, and I’m only wearing a piece of cloth wrapped around my lower body.

I’m leaning against the wall in an awkward position.

For the second day in a row.

‘Damn it…’

Since the first day, the situation has only gotten worse.

The interrogator reluctantly called a mage at my repeated denials and requests for verification, but…

「Character’s Mental stat is 90 or higher.」

「Resistance to mental magic due to Magic Resistance bonus.」

The magic of the 9th-grade mage working for the guild didn’t work on me.

“His mental barrier is too strong. It seems like we’ll have to call a mage from the Magic Tower.”

The situation has become troublesome.

The guild now needs the help of a high-grade mage to close my case.

“It’s not cost-effective to call them for a mere 9th-grade explorer case.”

Since then, the interrogator has been doing all sorts of crazy shit to get me to confess.

He thinks that’s the easier way.

But there’s no way I would give a false confession just because of some small-fry interrogator.

I even tried mentioning the names of 6th-grade mage Arrua Raven and the dwarf, but this stubborn interrogator wouldn’t listen.

As the case dragged on…

“Hahaha! Bjorn Yandel, it seems like this isn’t your first time looting, is it?”

A completely new accusation is thrown at me, unrelated to the previous investigations.

“What are you talking about?”

“This was found while we were investigating you.”

The interrogator smugly shows me a message stone.

“Message stones have unique identification numbers, so ownership records are kept. So we looked into the one in your backpack, and as expected, it belonged to a dead explorer.”

For reference, the owner’s name was Artoa Serdin.

“We contacted the clan he belonged to, and they gave us a detailed account of what you did. Not only did you injure Hatsu Young and run away, but you also killed the person who was pursuing you?”

This guy is unnecessarily long-winded, as if he thinks he’s the protagonist of a detective story.

“So what happens to me?”

I cut to the chase and ask about the main point.

No matter what I say here, this guy, who is desperate to get rid of me, won’t listen.

“Given the circumstances, testimony, and evidence, this guild has decided to reject your request for verification and carry out the sentence.”

This guild my ass.

You’re the one who rejected my request.

“…And what sentence will I receive?”

“That’s a strange thing to ask. The Lafdonia royal family has never shown leniency towards marauders. Ah, is that too difficult for a barbarian to understand?”

The interrogator smirks and continues,

“It means execution.”

That’s what happened yesterday evening.

This morning, the guard came by and told me the date of my execution and asked if there was anything I wanted to eat.

Suddenly, it hit me.


If I stay still, I’ll die.

That means I can’t stay still.

The stage for resolving this through conversation has long passed.

But that doesn’t mean I should just break out of the cell and escape. If I do that, I’ll just become a fugitive.

‘I might be able to escape to the city somehow, but I’ll quickly become a wanted criminal.’

I thought about it for a while, but in the end, there was only one way to survive.

Somehow prove my innocence.

Of course, it won’t be easy.

You can tell what the forest is like by looking at a tree, and even a mere interrogator like this is so unreasonable, so would the others be any different?

‘Whether I’m guilty or not, the Explorer’s Guild will probably decide that it’s easier and quieter for them if I just disappear.’

As I make plans based on that premise, I start to see a way out.

The key is to create a situation where the Explorer’s Guild can’t silence me.

And I have an idea for that.

Of course, I’ll have to go through a lot of trouble in return, but…


I clench my teeth and gather my resolve as I picture the interrogator’s face.

Since I was young, I was a brat who knew how to give back as good as I got.

‘No matter how I think about it, it’s not a fair deal if I only save my own life.’

I will definitely make them pay for this.

「Character has cast [Flesh Explosion].」

And dearly.


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