SGB: Episode 40

Episode 40: Guild (5)

"Th, th, that's, what do you mean, mage? Even if you know him, if you defend him like that..."

The investigator stammers in a fluster.

It's not so much that he can't believe it, but rather that he wants to deny the truth.

However, her response is simply harsh.

"Are you saying I'm lying?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant..."

"Then what do you mean? It seems like dealing with explorers with your measly authority has made even mages seem insignificant to you, huh?"

Mages of the Magic Tower are practically quasi-nobles.

Although there are several schools of magic, they're united as one group and fiercely protect their interests.

In any case, the fact that a low-ranking employee like the investigator dared to question her words is a problem in itself.

The branch manager, unable to bear it any longer, cautiously intervenes.

"How about we stop this? As the mage knows, it's only natural for it to sound absurd if you don't know the context."

She nods as if agreeing.

"Indeed, there's no precedent for a vampire being witnessed in a 1st-floor rift."

Unlike when she was dealing with the investigator, a gentle smile graces her lips.

For a very brief moment.

"Thank you for saying that—"

"But the labyrinth, ever since its creation, has been filled with all sorts of unknowns. Yet you say it's absurd? That's not something an Explorer's Guild member, let alone a branch manager, should be saying."

A scathing criticism delivered with a slight delay.

Is this what mages are like?

Even the title of branch manager doesn't seem to hold any weight in her eyes.


The branch manager, who needlessly stuck his neck out and gained nothing, shuts his mouth tight.

Knock, knock.

It's not a knock asking for permission.

Before anyone can even say it's okay to enter, the door bursts open.

"So you're that barbarian?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Nile Urbans."

Two men enter the room.

A middle-aged man in a neat tuxedo and a young man who seems to be his bodyguard.

"Re, Regional Manager!"


Julian, who was being held hostage, and the branch manager both gape in surprise.

I also tighten my grip, my relaxed tension returning.

'...So the regional manager has come after all.'

The guild's management structure is simple.

There's a branch manager for each of the hundreds of branches within the city, and there are 13 regional managers who oversee them.

The only rank above them is the 'Guild Master', so the 13 regional managers can be considered the second-in-command of the guild.

They're big shots who are difficult to even see from afar as a 9th-grade explorer.

But even for them, things don't always go their way.

"You've caused quite a commotion, haven't you?"

Feeling the regional manager's displeasure, I smirk.

A commotion...

"Yeah, I guess that's how you see it."

If that guy Hatsu Young hadn't given false testimony...

Even if he had, if the investigator hadn't been greedy and had handled things properly...

No, if the Explorer's Guild had been a fair and just organization that manages its employees well...

Then I wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble.

But they didn't.

"It must have been a trivial matter for you."

But not for me.

My life was on the line.

"Is that why you did this crazy thing?"

"Crazy thing?"

I ask in return.

"Is struggling to survive a crazy thing?"

"Phew, there must have been other ways, right? You've escalated things too far."

Other ways my ass.

Until I broke out of the cell and arrived here, the branch manager didn't even know I existed in his branch.

And the same goes for this regional manager, who had the authority to change the guild's internal regulations to allow investigations of 9th-grade explorers based on mere suspicion.

"If you guys had done your jobs properly, this wouldn't have happened."

As I mutter coldly with a hint of sarcasm...

"You! How dare you speak such nonsense in front of the Regional Manager!"

The branch manager interjects.

The investigator and the regional manager's bodyguard also look at me as if I'm some kind of crazy bastard.

Well, I'm probably an oddball to them.

A stubborn fool among fools.

The regional manager sighs and shifts his gaze.

"Mage, what is your name?"

"Arrua Raven."

"I see, Miss Raven. How much would it take for you to sell that crystal ball to me?"

It's an obvious attempt at bribery.

I didn't expect him to be so blatant about it.

My heart skips a beat, but...

"I refuse your offer."

"That's unfortunate."

"You're not thinking of taking it by force, are you?"

"Haha! Of course not. Then the master of your school would never let me get away with it."

The regional manager laughs heartily.

"Why is everyone so tense? I was just joking. With all these people gathered outside waiting for the outcome, how could I possibly do that?"

Joking my ass.

Cold sweat runs down my back.


This is why I wanted to bring a priest in the first place.

'Memory Projection' spell or whatever, mages can be bribed if it's in their interest.

If I didn't know her at all, and she had been bribed by the regional manager...

'I would have died here, regardless of the crowd gathered outside.'

Anyway, the outcome isn't bad.

She kept her word, and now the regional manager can't just bury this incident with his authority.

In other words, all I have to do now is prove my innocence.

One way or another, the end is near.

"Anyway, let's wrap this up."

I walk towards the closet and wake up Hatsu Young, who was sleeping inside.

"Wha, what the hell, why am I here..."

I hear people gulping around me.

Well, it's understandable.

The moment it's proven that this guy gave false testimony...

Things will get really ugly for them.

"This man is lying."

As Raven speaks...

A heavy silence falls over the room.

"So what are you going to do now? Regional Manager?"

"Bjorn Yandel, was it? You're innocent."

I look at the regional manager's forced smile and answer,

"I can't say I'm grateful."

This time, even the branch manager, who was listening nearby, doesn't dare to add anything to my words.

He just trembles, observing the regional manager's expression.

"Then what do you want us to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? I demand punishment and compensation."

"I see."

The regional manager nods silently, as if doing some calculations in his head, and then speaks.

"First, the investigator who was in charge of you will be dismissed."

"Re, Regional Manager! I, I swear to the heavens, the only thing I did wrong was investigate according to the regulations..."

"Are you trying to blame your incompetence on the guild? We'll thoroughly re-investigate all the judgments you've made. And if there's even a hint of corruption, you'll be punished accordingly."

"Th, that can't be!"

The arrogant investigator turns pale and falls to his knees.

Seeing him so terrified, it seems like he hasn't lived a clean life.

Well, judging by his past behavior, it's not surprising at all.

"Pl, please spare me! Please...!"

'Shouldn't you be begging me instead?'

I feel like he's got the wrong address, but I don't bother saying it out loud. If he were that kind of guy, we wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

The world is like that.

No one regrets when they hit someone.

They only regret it when they have to pay the price.

"Then what about this man?"

The other contributor to this incident.

I ask, looking at Hatsu Young, and the regional manager answers without much hesitation.

"This man gave false testimony to cover up his own crimes, causing serious confusion in the investigation. We'll handle him the same way."

"The same way?"

"We'll investigate him thoroughly and then send him to the execution grounds."

The regional manager's words carry weight.

It's practically a death sentence, even though the trial, let alone the investigation, hasn't even started yet.

"N, no..."

Hatsu Young faints, rolling his eyes, but no one pays attention.

"I'd like you to investigate the clan this guy belongs to as well."

"The Crystal Alliance, if I recall correctly, they've already been causing trouble with various rumors. I'll do as you say."

The regional manager readily agrees to everything I ask for.

He's quite a smart person, I think.

He clearly understands that he has no choice but to give me what I want.

"Then is the punishment enough for now?"


I trail off and stare at one spot, and the branch manager, whose eyes meet mine, quickly averts his gaze.

I chuckle and nod.

"It would be greed to ask for more."

"Thank you for understanding our situation."

There's no need to thank me.

I'm planning to get what I deserve in a different way.

"So, now that the punishment is over, let's talk about compensation for our mistake. Is there anything you want?"

"I'll decide after hearing it."

"First, we'll raise your rank to 7th grade."

"Rank promotion..."

Not bad.

Becoming a 7th-grade explorer means the exchange office will be less crowded, and there are various other benefits.

If I hadn't been a 9th-grade, that investigator bastard wouldn't have been able to act so arrogantly in the first place.

"Re, Regional Manager! Raising a two-month-old explorer to 7th grade just like that!"

The branch manager raises an objection, concerned about potential fairness issues in the future, but the regional manager firmly shakes his head.

"We're apologizing right now. So please don't argue about this."


The regional manager's attitude is like that of a politician making a sincere apology.

Especially in the sense that it's empty words.

"Wait a minute. This sounds a bit strange."

Just as I'm about to speak up, Raven, who had been silent, intervenes first.

I wonder what she's going to say this time, and I see nervousness on everyone's faces, but...

She doesn't seem to care at all.

"How can a rank promotion be considered compensation? Raising the rank and giving benefits to a capable explorer is just part of the guild's job."

"But as you just heard, this man—"

"He's not experienced? What does that matter?"

"It's unprecedented—"

"Of course it's unprecedented."

She cuts off the regional manager's words several times and continues rapidly.

"There hasn't been an explorer who absorbed the essence of a 5th-grade vampire, and the guardian of a rift at that, and returned in just two months."

"...So what are you trying to say, Miss Raven?"

"Well, I just found it a bit pathetic that you're trying to take credit for something you should be doing anyway."

She then looks at me and grins.

I'm not so clueless that I can't take a hint, so I quickly play along.

"Then I guess I can expect some real compensation."

"...What do you want?"

Well, after all this trouble, I should get something in return.

As I'm wondering what to ask for...

Raven speaks up again as if she's been waiting.

"Money, of course. Is there anything else the Explorer's Guild can offer?"

If I look for them, there might be other things.

Like getting the Bonding spell for free for life, or being able to post personal notices on the guild's bulletin board.

'But in the end, it's all things that can be done with money.'

When I nod as if agreeing, the regional manager sighs and raises the white flag.

"How much do you want?"

It's like I just need to write down the amount on a blank check.

Feeling a sense of trust in her that I haven't felt for a while, I look at her.

It's a sign that I trust the mage's rational judgment.

Fortunately, she seems to understand what I mean, and with a somewhat proud expression, she speaks.

"You almost killed a promising explorer by mistake, so..."

She trails off and then blurts out,

"Shouldn't you at least pay 5 million stones?"

The regional manager nods without a word.

"...Alright, I'll pay."

It's not that surprising.

5 million stones is an amount that far exceeds the maximum I had in mind, but...

'That's only if I were the one asking.'

If it weren't for Raven, I doubt the negotiation would have gone so smoothly.

Is this the power of status?

As I'm inwardly impressed by the power of status and wondering how to repay her for today's help...

Raven speaks up again.

"Ah, my service fee is 1 million stones, separate."

"Service fee? What are you talking about? The support fee is already agreed upon with the Magic Tower—"

"It includes the price of this crystal ball that recorded the joke you made earlier, Regional Manager. Even though you said it was a joke... I think there might be quite a few people who would want this crystal ball."

"...Hahaha, you're quite the joker, miss."

"I'm serious."

When she becomes serious, the regional manager's expression turns from stiff to completely rotten.

However, his contemplation doesn't last long.


The regional manager nods.

In a way, he just lost 1 million stones because of one slip of the tongue.

'...There's no need to give her a separate service fee.'

Is this what mages are like?

I'm impressed as I watch her take care of her own interests in an instant.

Her voice echoes in my head.

[Thanks to you, I'll be able to earn some pocket money.]

Hearing her voice, I have this thought about another person for the first time in a while.

I should try to stay on good terms with her from now on.
