SGB: Episode 41

Episode 41: The Mage and the Barbarian (1)

"No! Please, just give me one more chance!"

"What are you all doing? Take those two away and lock them up!"

After removing the pleading investigator and the unconscious explorer from the room...

The compensation process proceeds swiftly.

As soon as I sign the agreement stating that I won't mention this incident, I'm given a total of 6 million stones in cash, including the additional 'service fee'.

Well, that's not all, but...

"These are all your belongings."

"How is it? Mr. Yandel, check it carefully."

The mage says with a strange look as she watches the barbarian rummage through his backpack.

"Maybe you're missing something?"

"...Missing something?"

The barbarian flinches for a moment, then grins as if he understands.

"Now that you mention it, it seems like something is missing?"

"Oh my, are you saying there are missing items?"

"Not items... about 1 million stones in cash have disappeared."

It's a conversation with an obvious acting tone.

The branch manager, listening silently, feels his blood pressure rising, making his vision blurry.

What kind of bastards are these!

"What are you talking about! There's no way an explorer who just came out of the labyrinth would have that much money—"

"So you're saying we're lying?"

The mage's cold voice makes the branch manager flinch reflexively.

"Th, th, of course—"


"There's no way there would be—"

"Oh my, you're calling us liars without any proof? Mr. Yandel, it seems like we should add this branch manager to the punishment list as well?"

"That's right. To accuse an innocent barbarian and mage of lying, he clearly didn't receive proper family education—"

"Stop it."

The regional manager, unable to bear it any longer, sighs and steps in.

"...We'll compensate you for the missing money as well."

"It's compensation you should be providing anyway, so I won't say any special thanks."

They're practically robbers, just without knives.

It's outrageous and unbelievable, but there's nothing the branch manager can do.

He can only watch the events unfold before him.

"Here's 1 million stones."

"Wow, the rumors are true, the Explorer's Guild really does have a lot of money? It just comes out of your pocket as soon as you ask."

"...I believe I've shown more than enough respect for the Magic Tower. Don't cross the line any further."

"Fine, whatever."

"Then will you hand over the crystal ball now?"

"No, I think it's better to give it to you after we confirm that the punishment has been carried out properly. Of course, I promise not to show it to anyone in the meantime."

"...That promise had better be kept."

"Of course. Don't worry. Anyway, we'll be on our way, so please take care of the people gathered outside."

With that, the barbarian and the mage leave.

And a heavy silence descends upon the room, as if a storm has just passed through.



As a result, the guild was robbed of another 1 million stones, and they still haven't even gotten the crystal ball back.

And they still have the task of dealing with the crowd gathered in front of the guild and those involved in this incident.

The regional manager, who had forced a smile in front of the two bastards, is now as cold and stiff as a glacier.

Feeling a bone-chilling sense of dread, the branch manager speaks with difficulty.

"...Re, Regional Manager...? Th, thank you for earlier..."

"Thank you?"

"Th, that... you stood up for me and didn't give in to those bastards' demands."

"Well, you're one of my people, after all."

"Keu-heup! I won't forget today and will work hard for the rest of my life—"

"Even if you're going to be fired, I have to be the one to fire you."

The branch manager, who was about to pledge his loyalty with a grateful face, looks dumbfounded.

"...Yes? Wh, what do you mean...?"

"Now that I see it, you're quite naive too. Did you think you'd get away scot-free after causing this kind of mess?"

"Bu, but I really—"

"Enough, I'll take care of everything from now on. If you want to at least save your life, be careful even when you breathe until things calm down. Whether you get fired or that guy suddenly dies, it has to be an incident completely unrelated to this."

The regional manager turns his back before the branch manager can say anything else and looks at his daughter.

"Daughter, I'll hear about why you came here today later."

"...Yes, father."

"Then let's go."

The office is instantly empty.

The branch manager, left alone, thinks to himself.

"Ha, haha..."

This must all be a dream.

I'm on the 31st floor of a black tower that soars high into the sky.

"So, what do you think of your first visit to the Magic Tower?"

"It seems a bit stuffy without windows."

"Uh... hmm, that's true... But without that condition, it wouldn't have been possible to build such a tall building in the city, right?"

I'm currently in the personal research lab of Arrua Raven, a mage belonging to the Artemion school.

"Here, have a seat."

I sit down after clearing away the pile of documents haphazardly placed on the chair, and she brings me a drink.

In an Erlenmeyer flask.

"Ah, I don't have any cups."

I take a moment to examine the drink she gave me.

And I come to a conclusion.

"...It's water."

"Yes, what about it? Should I add some Basilisk Elixir?"

"No, this is enough."

Of course, I don't drink it.

I know it's really water, but it's too gross to just drink.

This flask probably contained those colorful solutions or monster organ samples until recently.

I get to the point.

"So, why did you bring me here?"

"I have something important to tell you. You promised to do me a favor, remember?"

So it's because of that.

I just agreed without thinking back then because of the urgency, but now that I'm here, I regret it.

She's not going to ask me to be her subject for some kind of human experiment, is she?

"Like I said back then, within my capabilities."

"Alright, that's enough."

"So what is it that you want me to do?"

"I want to conduct exclusive research on the essences you've absorbed. I'm sure it will be helpful for you too. Since it's unprecedented, there might be some unique findings, right?"

Her eyes change as she speaks.

From the calculating look she had when dealing with the regional manager, to the scholarly look she had in the rift.

Well, it's understandable.

There has never been a rift where a vampire appears as the guardian, except for the variant rift we experienced this time.

"But what do you mean by exclusive research?"

"Ah, that? Simply put, it means you'll provide samples only to me. I want to submit it to the academic community as a paper under my name."

Are mages in this world like graduate students?

I don't understand her motivation at all, but...

I've heard that scholars have the strongest desire for recognition.

Oh, wait a minute.

"Don't tell me you asked them to erase the vampire-related records earlier because of this?"

When we were signing the agreement at the guild, she took the initiative and asked them not to record the fact that I had absorbed the vampire's essence.

Of course, I didn't expect it to be a perfect secret, but...

I thought it would be better than doing nothing.

'There's a saying that 70% of one's ability should be hidden.'

Honestly, I even felt grateful for her taking care of such details...

She scratches her cheek awkwardly.

"Uh, hmm, well... it's not that it's not true..."

A double negative, so it means it's true.

Raven then blatantly changes the subject.

"Ahem! Anyway, I don't expect much, just come once a week and help me out for about three hours."

Three hours a week...

"For how long?"

"Hmm, I think about half a year should be enough..."

"Let's make it three months."

"Alright. So you'll do me this favor, right?"

"I will."

As the first agenda is settled, Raven immediately brings up the next one.

"Then let's get back to... finishing the calculations, shall we?"


Is there anything left?

As I look at her with a 'what the hell are you talking about?' expression, she changes the atmosphere.

Just like when she was having a power struggle with the regional manager.

"You survived thanks to me, and you even got 6 million stones for free, didn't you? I don't think it's strange for me to claim my share."

Haha, I see.

Now I understand mages a bit better.

If I'm a simple efficiency freak, these guys are extreme profit seekers.

So I decide to change my mindset.

"Asking for money, that's quite an interesting story."

Just like when I'm about to smash a goblin's head in.

The argument continues.

With their voices even more heated than before.

"That would have been the same even if it were another mage."

"Well, if it were someone else, they probably would have sold the crystal ball to the regional manager as soon as he offered."

"But you already received compensation from the regional manager for that, didn't you? A whopping 1 million stones."

Thanks to me, you earned that much, so if you're going to claim a share, it should be me, I swear to Behella.

"...Then at least give me the 1 million stones you earned from the backpack. You got that purely because of my advice."

Does she think barbarians are pushovers?


"Alright, I'll help with the research too, so I won't ask for it all. Give me half, 500,000 stones."


"Phew, then at least 250,000 stones—"

"Rejected without even hearing it."

I don't compromise at all.

Because anyone who tries to weaken my bones is a bastard.

And I don't negotiate with bastards.

I'd rather take from them than give.

"This conversation ends here."

"What? Do you know how much I lost because of you in the rift?"

Finally, I make up my mind.

'I need to put her in her place before she underestimates me any further.'

Honestly, I'm grateful for what she did.

But apart from that, to build a long-term and amicable relationship, I need to show her what kind of person I am.

Someone who just laughs and agrees to everything is not kind, they're just a pushover.

'In the first place, the reason she's being so persistent is probably not because she really needs the money, but to put me in my place.'

"Anyway, let's move on to the next calculation."

"Next calculation?"

She tilts her head as if she has no idea what I'm talking about.

I speak directly, like a barbarian.

"You need to give me 10 million stones."

"Te, ten million stones? Why?"

"Because you fed me the Corpse Golem's essence without my consent."

"Wh, what?"

She shouts as if it's absurd.

"Ha, seriously! I gave you an essence that everyone wants for free, and you're asking for money in return? Does that even make sense?"

It does.

It's not just a baseless claim.

I don't know why everyone lacks imagination, but if you think about it carefully, it's all logical.

"Why do you think it doesn't make sense? You forcefully fed me that essence without my consent to save your own life."

"Can't you think of it as me trying to save you?"

"Well, I don't know about that, but I didn't want it. So pay me 10 million stones. I heard that's how much it costs to remove an essence at the temple—"

"Why would you remove such a precious thing! You crazy barbarian!"

"Because it wasn't the essence I wanted. You caused me significant damage."

Unlike when we were playing the price negotiation game, her face turns red.

It sounds like a complete stretch, but it's also somewhat logical, so she's getting pissed off.

After taking a few deep breaths, she regains her composure.

"...I heard that explorers can't get enough of essences. So this doesn't make sense. I should be the one getting paid!"

"Isn't that just your prejudice as a mage? You can ask other explorers how they would feel if someone fed them an essence they didn't want without their consent."

"Ha! You're saying that because you think I don't know any other explorers? Just wait a moment. I'll confirm it right away."

She grabs the crystal ball on the desk, looking quite agitated. And as if dialing a phone number, she operates it and soon connects.

“Ah, is this Mr. Partslan?”

[Who is this?]

“Hello, I’m Arrua Raven from the Artemion school. I met you with my master last time, remember?”

[Ah! Miss Raven! I remember. But what’s the matter all of a sudden…?]

“There’s something I’d like to ask you. If someone were to feed you an essence you didn’t want without your consent, how would you feel?”

[Hahaha! I don’t know why you’re asking such a strange question, but to answer… I’d be quite angry.]

“…Yes? Angry? Ev, even if it were a 7th-grade essence, a very rare one that can only be obtained from a rift?”

[Even then, it would be the same. An essence I didn’t plan on absorbing would only have negative effects on me. Miss Raven might not know this, but you can’t just absorb any essence and expect to reach the higher floors.]

Her triumphant expression from the moment the call connected fades, and she starts observing me with a pale face after hearing the explorer’s kind response.

“Th, th, then, this is just a hypothetical question… How should I compensate them?”

[If it were me, I would first demand compensation in cash.]

“How much would that be…?”

[About 15 million stones would be appropriate.]

“Th, th, that much?”

[The cost of removing essences increases the more times you do it. I don’t understand why those who serve gods are so obsessed with money, tsk…]

“Ah, ah, I seeee…”

Her hand loses strength, and the communication device falls and rolls away.

I pick it up and place it back in her hand.

“There’s still one question left, isn’t there?”

I whisper in her ear, and the blonde girl with the appearance of a teenager asks in a trembling voice,

“…Wh, what, what if I can’t compensate him with money? What would Mr. Partslan do?”

[Hmm, well? If that happened, and the person in question was right in front of me…]

The man on the other end of the communication device answers cheerfully.

[I’d probably snap his neck and kill him. Hahaha!]


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