SGB: Episode 47

Episode 47: Companions (1)

230,000 stones from pure magic stone exchange.

800,000 stones from selling the equipment of the blonde guy’s 4-person party.

5 million stones from the settlement with the guild, plus an additional 1 million extorted.

And 30,000 stones in compensation from the innkeeper.

‘The Golden Mask is worth about 500,000 stones, but… I decided to keep it, so let’s exclude that.’

If we subtract the 300,000 stones distributed to Ainar and the 150,000 stones I ‘threw away’ yesterday, we get my current assets.

‘6.61 million stones…’

It’s practically a huge sum of money that would allow me to avoid entering the labyrinth for the next 3 years, assuming I maintain my current standard of living.

Of course, this calculation is only possible because it’s the early stages with relatively low taxes, but anyway.

‘If I subtract another 70,000 stones for a month’s living expenses, just to be safe… my actual total budget would be around 6.54 million stones.’

I quicken my pace, thinking about the items on the shopping list I prepared the night before.

Well, that doesn’t mean I literally walked to my destination.

“Is this the 10-person carriage heading to the 2nd district?”

“It is.”

I arrive at the public transportation platform, pay the 500-stone fare, and board the 10-person carriage.

The regular fare is 250 stones per person, but…

Barbarians have to pay for two people because of their size.

‘Damn it.’

I feel inexplicably resentful.

Even more so because it’s a reason I can’t refute.

“We’ve arrived.”

As I’m dozing off and drooling in my seat, we arrive at the 2nd district, the northern half of the commercial district Commelby.

It took about 4 hours.

If I could have gone through the 1st district, the Imperial City of Karnon, it would have taken half the time, but…

‘With my current reputation, there’s no way.’

I first grab a quick bite at a nearby restaurant and then follow the city map I bought earlier to my destination.

Finding it is easier than expected.

I can see a magnificent building in the distance without even walking much.

[Alminus Central Exchange]

One of the facilities I used the most when playing the game.

The Central Exchange.

It has the advantage of not having to walk around the city and being able to easily find specific items.

Although there is a usage fee.

“Are you here to register an item for consignment?”

“No, I’m here to search for items.”

I take a number ticket and wait for a while before submitting the document I prepared beforehand to the exchange employee.

“There are a total of 12 items that meet your criteria. Would you like to see the information?”

“Of course.”

For your information, the search fee is 3,000 stones per item.

I pay the fee and wait for a while, and the employee brings me a few sheets of paper.

“After checking the information, please tell the employee over there which items you’d like to see, and they will guide you to where they are stored.”

In the game, you could just click the purchase button, but in reality, it’s like this. With this kind of system, it makes sense that there’s a usage fee.

Because of the labor costs.

‘Anyway, let’s take a look.’

Like the other users who are crowding around, I sit in an empty seat and check the documents.

Since there are only 12 items that meet the criteria, it doesn’t take long to read them all.

“I’d like to see this item here.”

I choose the item with the most reasonable price from the list and head to the storage with the help of an employee.

And after checking it several times for any defects, I purchase it with cash without hesitation.

[Expandable Backpack]

Storage capacity: 8th grade

Type: Standard medium backpack

Enchantments: Automatic organization, individual retrieval, weight reduction (low)

Selling price: 2.5 million stones

Expandable backpack.

It’s a bit different from what you might call subspace storage, but at my current financial level, this is more than enough.

First of all, even with a storage capacity of 8th grade, it’s three times the size of the extra-large backpack I was using…

‘And it even has the 3-piece enchantment set.’

Each one of them is worth it.

‘Weight reduction’ is practically a must-have, even if we generously say that we can exclude ‘automatic organization,’ which stores items in the most optimal way.

Think about it. No matter how much the space increases, it’s meaningless if the weight stays the same.

‘…And the same goes for individual retrieval.’

I bought the expandable backpack for convenience.

But if it didn’t have the ‘individual retrieval’ function, I would have to take out items in the order they were put in, last in, first out.

‘It was inconvenient enough in the game, but in real life, it would be a nightmare.’

Well, it’s a bit disappointing that it’s in the form of a backpack…

But it would be greedy to ask for more.

I’m satisfied with this much, so I put on the backpack I bought and return to where I was.

And I continue searching for other items.

Now I have about 4 million stones left in my budget.

「Character has equipped Expandable Backpack.」

「Inventory space greatly increased.」

I’ve secured enough convenience, so now it’s time to increase my actual combat power.

4 million stones.

It’s enough to buy a full set of steel plate armor and even upgrade my Undying Engraving to the 3rd stage.

Both options are not bad, but…

I choose neither.

Because the situation has changed.

(P) Source of Darkness - Resists death as long as the heart is intact.

I absorbed the vampire’s essence unexpectedly.

Thanks to that, I’m now in a state where I won’t die as long as my heart is intact.

In other words, upgrading the Undying Engraving or getting additional armor pieces like greaves would be inefficient in terms of cost-effectiveness.

After careful consideration, I make my final decision.

‘Let’s upgrade the tier of my equipment instead.’

What they commonly call a higher tier.

In other words, I’ll buy equipment made with 2nd-tier metal instead of 1st-tier steel.

「Character has equipped Laetium Breastplate.」

「Total item level has increased by +270.」


It’s one of the 2nd-tier metals that’s about twice as light and hard as regular steel.

Its characteristics are that it’s white and ridiculously expensive.

‘1.91 million stones for just one breastplate…’

The breastplate I bought through the exchange is the same shape as the steel half plate armor I sold for scrap, but the price is more than five times higher.

‘Well, it’s only natural since 2nd-tier materials are something that 4th-floor explorers use.’

The reason I chose the breastplate as the top priority among the various equipment pieces is simple.

The safer my heart is, the more I can maximize the benefits of the passive skill [Source of Darkness].

Safety comes first, so there’s no room for disagreement here.

However, I hesitate until the very last moment before confirming the purchase of the second equipment piece.

「Character has equipped Laetium Large Battle Shield.」

「Total item level has increased by +315.」

Should I change my weapon, or buy a new shield to replace the one I sold for scrap?

After much deliberation, I buy a shield for 2.1 million stones.

There are several reasons, but to summarize the main points…

‘I don’t need to deal damage anymore.’

Until now, I’ve only entered the labyrinth with a 2-person team, a duo.

But to go further up, I need to play in a team of at least 4 people.

In other words, it’s more efficient to hold a shield and become a human wall, protecting my companions.

‘The vampire essence isn’t for a damage dealer role anyway.’

And besides, unlike weapons, the shield is an equipment piece I’ll continue to use even after obtaining ‘that essence’…

And I feel empty without a shield now.

Well, in return, my pockets are empty, but…

‘Hmm, my equipment is starting to shine now.’

For some reason, looking in the mirror makes me feel richer.

Is this also a change that came with becoming a barbarian?

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 3

Physical: 155 / Mental: 90 / Ability: 115

Item Level: 683 (New +585)

Total Combat Index: 527.75 (New +146.25)

Acquired Essences: Corpse Golem - Rank 7 / Vampire(Guardian) - Rank 5

After finishing my reasonable shopping spree, it’s already evening.

I have dinner at the same restaurant where I had lunch and then take a carriage back to the 13th district where my inn is located.

And that’s the end of the day.

‘With this much travel time…’

If I really make a lot of money in the future, I should move to the central district or something.

Living in the outskirts is inconvenient in many ways.

Although I moved a bit closer this time, it still takes a long time to get to the Dimensional Plaza.

‘In the end, is everything about money…’

I fall asleep, determined to make money after spending so much today.

And the next morning…

‘I’ve finished everything that needs to be dealt with immediately, so should I go back there?’

I wake up early, like a diligent barbarian, and head to the library.

Korean gamers have a habit of grinding whenever they have free time. Well, this isn’t a game, so it’s the kind of grinding I can do in reality.

I still lack common sense and knowledge about this place.

‘In that sense, when I get a house later, it would be nice to be close to the library.’

Books are food for the soul.

In the first place, the reason I was able to make reasonable purchases at the exchange was because I read books at the library.

‘What was the title of that book?’

I don’t remember the title exactly, but it was a book that listed the average transaction prices of exchange items for the past 10 years.

It was a pain to read because of the sheer number of items, but there was no better textbook for learning about market prices.

As I’m walking and thinking about various things, I soon arrive at my destination.

Nothing has changed since my last visit.

The smell of books permeating the entire building, the countless nerdy guys with glasses who arrived even earlier than me, and the librarian with a sleepy face sitting at the counter.

“It’s been a while.”

When I greet her as I did last time, the librarian looks at me with a strange gaze.

And she mutters softly,


Ah, so she saw it.

“Huhu, Laetium armor and shield. I paid 4 million stones for both. Ah, and this thing on my back is an expandable backpack, but—”


Hmm, she still doesn’t get jokes.

I head inside the library, leaving behind the chronically tired librarian who just cast the spell and started dozing off again.

But is it because I’m wearing good equipment?

I can feel people’s gazes from all around more than usual.

Most of them are looks of awe.

I’m not sure, but I’ll just assume that’s the case because it would be embarrassing if it weren’t.

‘…Was it a bit much to come to the library wearing equipment?’


But come to think of it, so what?

I’m a barbarian.

I decide to ignore it and do my own thing, thinking of keywords and picking out a bunch of books.

[Establishment and Development of the Explorer’s Guild]

[Collection of Marauder Sentences III]

[Legal Terminology Dictionary]

[The Birth of Mozlan]



Is it because I almost died after being falsely accused?

I’m becoming more interested in the Explorer’s Guild, royal institutions, and laws.

There’s a famous saying in the gaming world, isn’t there?

If you don’t know, you’ll just get hit.

So I have no choice but to learn.


I go outside every 4 hours to eat and continue reading books, and once again, night falls.

I decide to read the books I haven’t finished tomorrow and return to the inn.

There’s a letter waiting for me, which is unusual.

The sender is the Explorer’s Guild.

The content is that Hikurod Murad wants to meet me.

‘I won’t be able to go to the library tomorrow.’

I spend about an hour wiping the shield and breastplate with a dry cloth and then lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

I sleep in since it’s too early to wake up and have nothing to do.

It’s a little past noon.

I take a quick shower and head to the meeting place.


It’s a shop that combines an inn, restaurant, and tavern.

As I enter the 1st-floor hall, I see many people having meals and chatting.

I scan the room for a while before spotting the person I’m looking for. Dwarves are so short that they’re hard to see.

I hope these guys just eat standing up from now on.

It’s practically the same thing anyway.

“It’s been a while, Hikurod.”

“Ha! It really is you! I wasn’t sure because you were listed as 7th-grade—”

The dwarf, who was smiling and greeting me, suddenly flinches when he sees me.

“Wait, what the hell is with that equipment?”

Ah, you saw it too, huh?

I answer as if it’s no big deal.

“Ah, this? As you can see from the white glow, it’s Laetium armor and shield. And this thing on my back is an expandable backpack, nothing special, I just bought it recently.”

It really is nothing special.
