SGB: Episode 48

Episode 48: Companions (2)

After a moment of silence...

The dwarf, hesitant about what to say, finally speaks up.

“I, I see…?”

He seems both bewildered and surprised.

“What’s so surprising? You must have one of these too!”

“That’s true, but… was your personality always like this?”

Well, I don’t know what he knows about me.

But I think I’ve bragged enough.

A dwarf with his experience would be able to gauge the level of my equipment just from the information I casually dropped.

‘With this, no matter how short my career is, he won’t try to mess with the loot distribution.’

Of course, the notice clearly stated ‘equal distribution’.

However, I still remember vividly.

When I said I would give up all the loot in the ‘Crimson Fortress’ in exchange for just the Rift Stone, this dwarf’s eyes bulged out as if I were being greedy.

‘In the end, no matter how friendly they seem, explorers are explorers.’

Once you’re underestimated in this kind of situation, there’s no end to it.

Therefore, I sit down across from him without asking if it’s okay.

And I blurt out,

“Hikurod, you’re buying the drinks. You got a Numbered Item thanks to me.”

It’s a subtle way of showing off my abilities and reminding him of his debt.

“What? Hwahahaha! Is that how it works?”

The dwarf laughs loudly but doesn’t deny it.

That’s only natural, since I was the one who contributed the most in the ‘Crimson Fortress’.

“Well, that’s not entirely wrong! It’s a bit early, but I’ll buy you as many drinks as you want. Let’s catch up while we drink!”


It seems like it will take a while for the food we ordered to come out, so we naturally start drinking the drinks that came out first.

And we begin to talk in earnest.

The dwarf starts the conversation.

“I was really surprised when I found out it was you who submitted the application. What happened? Was there some kind of treasure hidden in that rift? That mage lady must have looked around everywhere.”

As expected, questions come pouring out.

Well, it’s a natural question considering my current appearance.

Honestly, I don’t have enough loyalty to answer, but…

“Well, something like that.”

“What do you mean? Tell me more!”

“Like you said, there was a treasure there. That’s it. Don’t ask any more questions.”

The dwarf clicks his tongue as I draw a clear line.

He seems to have judged that it’s difficult to get an answer even if he asks further.

“I don’t know what kind of treasure you got, but you’re quite lucky.”


In the first place, this guy is the one who benefited the most from the ‘Crimson Fortress’.

I went through hell.

He just did the bare minimum and took the Numbered Item for himself.

‘I’m also curious about what dropped… I can ask him later.’

The food we ordered finally arrives, so we continue our conversation while eating.

First, let’s start with this.

“So, did you find any team members?”

“There weren’t any I particularly liked, so you’re the first one I’m meeting.”

“I see.”

I nod and get straight to the point, like a barbarian.

The real purpose of this meeting.

“So what are you going to do?”

Will Hikurod Murad accept me as a team member?

“Hmm, that’s… honestly, until just now, I came out here to confirm if it was really you. Setting aside finding team members, I wanted to have a conversation with you. Ah, and although I wrote 3rd floor, if we gather good members, I’m also thinking of going up to the 4th floor…”

He talks too much unnecessarily.

Just one sentence saying he didn’t intend to accept me as a team member would have been enough.

“So have you changed your mind now?”

As I ask, staring at him intently, the dwarf strokes his beard and answers.

“Ahem, you could say that. After all, who would look at you now and think you’re a newbie? If it weren’t for the fact that it’s difficult to find other team members if there’s a newbie, I wouldn’t even have hesitated!”

If he’s going to make such a pathetic excuse, I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better to just not say anything like that from the beginning.

But that kind of cunning is also one of the charms of the dwarf race.

“Then the discussion is over?”

“Hahaha! You could say that.”

As I raise my glass, the dwarf follows suit.

“I look forward to working with you again.”

I have a team now.

Although it’s only two people for now…

Well, we can just pretend to discuss it together and choose whoever I want.

“Hikurod, didn’t you say several people applied?”

“I did, but why?”

“What kind of people were they?”

“That? You don’t need to worry about it. They were just 8th-grade newbies with less than a year of experience.”

What? Is he indirectly making fun of me?

Just as I’m seriously pondering…

“Aha! I see!”

The dwarf suddenly shouts ‘Eureka!’

“Hwahaha! I was being short-sighted! Well, with that level of equipment, it makes sense that you would be promoted to 7th grade!”

Ah, uh, hmm…

It’s a plausible guess…

“…Well, something like that.”

Since things have turned out this way, I decide to keep this fact to myself for now.

After all, the team hasn’t been officially formed yet, and I don’t know what kind of people will join later.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

‘I can just say the regeneration is thanks to the Undying Engraving.’

The most important topic is over, but we continue to drink and chat.

Among other things, I learn why the dwarf left his original team and is forming a new one.

“As you know, I took a break from the team this time, right?”

“You did.”

I heard that he recklessly asked for a vacation from the team because he thought he might be able to enter a rift.

“But when I tried to go back, they said they like the warrior they temporarily hired to fill my spot more!”

The dwarf continues to vent his frustrations about his former teammates in a voice filled with resentment, but I can’t relate at all.

‘Isn’t it a problem in the first place that he left the team for personal reasons?’

The biggest victim is the former team leader.

Even now, he has to enter the labyrinth, but with the dwarf suddenly taking a break, he must have been scrambling.

But if there was a problem with the warrior, it would be different…

They like him more?

‘If I were the leader, I wouldn’t take back such an irresponsible guy. Who knows when he’ll do it again.’

Of course, I keep these thoughts to myself.

“Man, those guys have no loyalty, do they?”

“That’s right. From what I heard, they really don’t seem to understand loyalty!”

In situations like this, I learned that you just have to agree unconditionally.

Let’s just play along and ask what I’m curious about.

“I don’t know how great those guys are, but they’ll definitely regret it when they find out what you got this time!”

“What I got this time?”

“The Numbered Item!”

“Ah! Come to think of it, that’s true! I’ll have to meet them later and tell them how foolish they were!”

Is he already imagining that situation in his head?

The dwarf takes a big gulp of his drink and bursts into laughter.

Alright, this should be natural enough, right?

“So, about that…”

I cautiously bring up the topic.

“What did you get this time?”

“Hmm, haven’t I told you already?”

“No, you haven’t!”

I’ve been curious since we met.

I know all the Numbered Items that can drop, but this time, we cleared an unprecedented variant rift.

There might have been a unique item.

Like the mysterious box that Raven left open in the boss room.

‘Come to think of it, I didn’t ask what was inside.’

I make a mental note to ask her about it next week and wait for his answer. The dwarf grins and places his thick arm on the table.

“These bracers are what I got there.”

Hmm, I can’t tell just by looking at them.

“What’s the name?”

“The guild appraiser said it’s called the ‘Guardian’s Bracers’—”


That dropped?

“…Eh? Do you know about it?”

“Ah, no. I was just surprised by how cool the name is.”

“Hwahahaha! As expected, we have something in common! I thought the same thing!”

No. 3112 Guardian’s Bracers.

It’s a Numbered Item in the 3000s, which would normally only be obtainable from rifts on the 4th floor or higher.

Leaving aside the effects, how much is this worth?

“I checked the market price through the Central Exchange, and it seems to be around 50 million stones.”

Damn it.

Is this a game?

What did this dwarf bastard do to deserve that?

“Hahaha! And that’s the old price, since there are almost no listings, it might be even more expensive! Of course, I have no intention of selling it!”


“Uh, why have you been so quiet since earlier?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just… a bit… surprised, that’s all.”

Honestly, I’m so surprised that my stomach, filled with alcohol and meat, is starting to churn unbearably.

“I understand. 50 million stones? I almost fainted when I first heard about it too.”

Is this what they mean by ‘giving a little and getting a lot in return’?

Now that I think about it, the bragging I did earlier was nothing compared to this dwarf bastard.

“Don’t be too envious. If you keep exploring, you’ll eventually get a Numbered Item too. Of course, it won’t be as good as the one I got! Hahaha.”

I subtly lower my hand under the table, avoiding the gaze of the laughing dwarf.


It’s the hand wearing the No. 9425 Frost Spirit Ring.

Guardian’s Bracers? 50 million stones?

I decide to think positively.

Anyway, even though my stomach is churning and I feel like throwing up, it’s a good thing if your teammate is strong, right?

‘…Let’s focus on building the team.’

After calming my mind, the first thing I do is raise the dwarf’s explorer rank by one level.

To attract good team members, you first need to look like an attractive team.

There’s a huge gap between a 7th-grade team leader and a 6th-grade one that words can’t bridge.

“Hikurod, go to the guild today and raise your explorer rank.”


“You have a 50-million-stone piece of equipment, don’t you? If you apply for an evaluation, the guild will definitely consider it seriously!”

“But isn’t it too sudden—”

“So you’re saying you don’t want to?”

“No, it’s not that…”

“Then let’s go now!”

In case he changes his mind, I accompany him to the guild and watch him submit the application.

For reference, it takes 6 days for the evaluation results to come out, which is a bit later than expected, but fortunately, he succeeds in getting promoted.

That’s when the specs of the applicants noticeably improve.

More than ten applicants come every day.

And as I’m carefully reviewing the specs of the dwarf and the applicants, happily contemplating…

“A, a mage?”

A mage’s application arrives out of the blue.

Of course, he’s not a mage from the Magic Tower, but an 8th-grade mage who used to do administrative work in guilds or public institutions…

But a mage is a mage.

“Hey Bjorn, isn’t there something wrong? A mage applying to a team like this?”

“It’s definitely strange. There were many teams with better conditions than ours.”

“Th, then what should we do?”

There are a few suspicious aspects, but we decide to meet him first and send a message to the guild.

And this morning…

Finally, the time and place for the meeting are set.

“He’s not going to ask for half the loot as his share, is he? I heard mages are all arrogant…”

I don’t understand why he’s so nervous.

He asserted his share without backing down even against Raven, who was from the Magic Tower.

“Why are you so worried? If he makes such a demand, we can just say no and leave.”

“Th, that’s true, right?”

Is it because it’s his first time meeting a mage as a team leader?

I roughly reassure the dwarf, who is shaking his legs nonstop, and we wait. Soon, a man wearing a robe enters the tavern.

And he waves at us.

“Oh, barbarian! Dwarf!”

Damn it, is he a landmine?

How can he piss people off with just that short greeting?

I can already see things going to shit, but just in case, I decide to observe a little more.

“Hahaha! Nice to meet you, are you the mage we’re supposed to meet today?”

“What do you think the probability is of coincidentally encountering a mage at this specific time and place?”

The dwarf looks at me in confusion at the mage’s question.

Ha, why do I feel like sighing?

“…He means he’s the one.”

“Ye, as expected! Hahaha! Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Hikurod Murad!”

“What a peculiar name. I am Liol Wobu Dwarkey, an 8th-grade mage officially recognized by the Lafdonia royal family.”

“…La, Lafdonia royal family recognized?”

No, why are you surprised again?

“It means he’s a mage who does administrative work in public institutions, not the guild.”

“Ah, I, I see?”

The mage, who keeps speaking in a confusing way, is one thing, but even the dwarf, who keeps falling for it, is starting to annoy me.

“Haha! You’re quite knowledgeable for a barbarian. What’s your name?”

“I’m Bjorn, son of Yandel. Sit down first.”

I was going to just observe, but I’m so frustrated that I decide to lead the conversation from now on.

It’s better for everyone’s time.

“Dwarkey, I read your application carefully. But I have a few questions. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

“Do you have a labyrinth entry permit?”

“Would I have come here if I didn’t?”

Geez, he could have just said yes.

“One more thing, you can earn enough money just by staying in the city, so why do you want to become an explorer?”

It’s rare for 8th-grade mages to go on expeditions.

The reason is simple.

Their skills are insufficient to operate on the middle floors or higher. And exploring the lower floors doesn’t bring in much money.

The income they get from working in public institutions is much higher.

Considering the difficulty of obtaining an entry permit and the risk involved, it’s not a good deal in many ways.

“Hmm, this is an unexpected question?”

Dwarkey tilts his head for a moment and then continues.

“It’s simple. I want to become a great explorer and bring honor to our Martoan barony.”

He proudly declares his ambition with a confident expression.

The dwarf, who was listening silently, is startled.

“Ba, barony? Don’t tell me you’re a no, noble? No, I mean, are you a noble…?”


They’re practically the highest-ranking individuals in Lafdonia, whom ordinary people will never meet in their entire lives.

Dwarkey bursts into laughter, seemingly satisfied with the dwarf’s reaction, and proudly speaks up.

“Huhuhu, my mother’s sister, Aunt Enka’s husband, is the third younger brother of the Baroness Martoan.”


As soon as he finishes speaking, the dwarf gasps as if about to faint, and Dwarkey pats his shoulder understandingly.

A benevolent smile graces his lips.

Seeing that smile, I think to myself…

“Don’t be too nervous. I have no intention of mistreating anyone with my status.”

Is this guy really crazy?


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