SGB: Episode 54

Episode 54: The Witch's Forest (1)

“So you’re saying those guys are the marauders from before?”

Rotmiller nods at the dwarf’s question. And with that, the situation becomes clear.

There’s no way it’s a coincidence that the bastards who were brazenly looting on the 3rd floor just happened to be chased by monsters and ended up coming our way.

“Someone’s targeting us specifically.”

“Although we don’t know why. They’re probably trying to slip in among us by pretending to be chased.”

Rotmiller agrees with my words and adds his opinion.

I think the same way.

“Th, then what are we going to do?!”

What do you mean, what are we going to do?

Thanks to Rotmiller, we were able to figure out their scheme early on.

“We should use this opportunity.”

“Use it?”

Misha tilts her head.

However, there’s no time to explain the reason in detail.

It seems like they’ve already arrived.

“Li, light! There’s light!”

With a man’s shout, three men and women covered in blood and sweat rush into the radius of our torches.

“If you’re not confident in acting, just stay quiet and watch.”

I whisper and make eye contact with Rotmiller. He nods slightly.

As expected, this man and I are on the same wavelength.

It seems like even the dwarf, who I was worried about, understands exactly what I meant.

Then shall we begin?

“Don’t come any closer.”

I raise my shield and step forward to block their path as I see them running towards us.

“Pl, please! Our party was wiped out. Help us! We’ll reward you…”

Their expressions are desperate and urgent.

This guy is a good actor.

Well, that’s only natural for a marauder, right?

“Put down your weapons.”

“Bu, but there are monsters behind us!”

The human man in his early thirties points behind him.

The orc group that was chasing them from beyond the range of our torches is staring at us.

“Kriiik, kriiik!”

They hesitate to approach because the number of people has increased, but who knows how long that will last.

So let us in quickly.

It’s obvious that’s what the man is trying to say, but so what?

“It’s your choice. Either put down your weapons or get lost.”

I say firmly once again, and they don’t answer easily.

Well, of course they would hesitate.


In the labyrinth, weapons are the same as life.

They might even be suspecting that we haven’t figured them out yet.

But it doesn’t matter.

No matter what choice they make, we have nothing to lose.

“…We’ll put them down.”

The mustached man makes a decision and drops his weapon to the ground, and the other two follow suit.

‘So they’ve decided to be greedy.’

While I’m satisfied with their choice, I’m also a bit worried. To target us while taking such a risk?

I can’t even guess why.

“Alright, then come slowly in that state. Preferably with everyone spread out.”

“Isn’t there a need to go this far? We’re just asking for help…”

“If you want help, do as you’re told.”


After they arrive one by one as instructed, Rotmiller approaches and checks for any hidden weapons.

“…There doesn’t seem to be anything that could pose a threat.”

“I see. Murad, keep an eye on them.”

“Ah, alright!”

The dwarf nods with a stiff expression and walks over with his arms and legs in perfect alignment, like a North Korean soldier.

I sigh inwardly, but…

Fortunately, looking at their expressions, they don’t seem to have noticed anything strange about his behavior.

“Kriiik, kriiik…”

“Kriik, kriik, kriik—!”

Afterwards, I leave the three marauders to the dwarf and keep an eye on the orcs, and soon they turn around and leave.

The orcs have judged that fighting this many people is too risky.

‘Those monster bastards are all cunning.’

Well, they’re not as bad as human bastards, though.

Anyway, avoiding an unnecessary battle is good news for us.

It would be tiring to have to worry about fighting orcs on top of this new problem.

“Ugh, I thought I was going to die…”

As soon as the orcs disappear, the woman among the three collapses to the ground with a sigh.

But did she finally come to her senses?

She gets up with an ‘oops’ expression and bows politely to us.

“Ah! My name is Elisa. Thank you for saving us!”

However, is it because of her cleavage, clearly visible through her torn top?

“Keu, ahem. I’m Hikurod Murad.”

The dwarf clears his throat and turns his head away.

It doesn’t seem like he’s faking his innocence.

His head is turned, but his gaze is still fixed on one spot.

“Mr. Murad, it is! Then what is this gentleman’s name?”

“I am Bjorn, son of Yandel.”

“Ah, I see!”

The woman who introduced herself as Elisa approaches me and grabs my hand.

And she bows again, just like before.

Of course, her cleavage is emphasized once more.

“Haa, I really owe you my life! I can’t imagine what would have happened if we hadn’t met you…”

She speaks in a voice that tickles my ears, and her ragged breaths hit my face.

Now that I think about it, the reason why her top is particularly torn among the three of them must be for this purpose…

“Bjorn! Your eyes are wandering!”

Misha misunderstands my true intentions and mutters.

However, I don’t bother clearing up the misunderstanding right now.

There will be an opportunity soon.

“State your names one by one.”

First, to dispel any suspicion from them, I start with a simple background check.

The mustached man, who I assume is the leader, introduces himself first.

“Hans Argo.”



“It’s a common name, is there someone with the same name?”

“Ah, um, well… something like that.”

I nod awkwardly.

Hans A was crushed to death by my shield.

I haven’t seen Hans B since I received advice from him at the bar.

And Hans C, the mustached man I met today, seems like he’ll be following in A’s footsteps.

Anyway, let’s move on to the next one.

“My name is Irita Tyson.”

Tyson, the tall blonde spearman.

I estimate his age to be in his mid-twenties, and I can’t find any particular characteristics.

If I had to say something, he seems polite?

“It was a situation where we thought it was the end, but thanks to you, we were saved. Thank you once again.”

When Spearman Tyson bows 90 degrees, Elisa exaggerates in her characteristically natural tone.

“It’s true! If it weren’t for you, who knows what kind of situation we would be in now… Leathlas must be watching over us!”


Rotmiller flinches at that one word.

And he cautiously speaks to Elisa.

“Perhaps… so Miss Elisa is—”

“Ah, I haven’t told you my last name yet. I’m Elisa Behenk. As you can see…”

Elisa trails off and checks her attire, then makes a sad face.

Her originally white outfit is now torn and stained with sweat and dirt.

“…It might not look like it, but I serve Leathlas!”


“So you really were a priestess.”

The dwarf lets out a short exclamation, while Rotmiller closes his eyes and briefly makes the sign of the cross in front of Elisa.

Wow, this man is a good actor.

“May the star that rises at twilight guide us…”

“Yes, may the star that rises at twilight guide us.”

Did she think it was a done deal?

Elisa smiles brightly and makes the sign of the cross, facing him. And with that, the wary atmosphere instantly dissipates.

Well, at least that’s how it seems to them.

‘We all know that there’s no way she’s a real priest—’

“Lady Elisa, if you don’t mind, could you take a look at my wound?”


“I’m sorry! I should have helped you with that first…”

Wait, is she actually a priestess, not an imposter?

As I’m startled by this unexpected turn of events, Hans C lifts his shirt and shows a stab wound.

Elisa chants a prayer and places her hand, which starts to glow white, on the wound.

And what do you know?


The wound actually heals instantly.

It’s genuine divine power that I can’t deny, even though I was watching with suspicion.

How can I be so sure when I’ve never seen it before?

First of all, the sound of healing is different from potions, and just look at Hans C’s expression.

Isn’t it serene, as if he’s not feeling any pain at all?

“May the star that rises at twilight guide us…”

Perhaps it was an unexpected development for him as well.

Rotmiller, who was momentarily flustered, comes to his senses and repeatedly makes the sign of the cross.

It’s a reaction like a believer who has just witnessed a miracle.

It seems a bit excessive to me, but in the context of this world, it’s a normal reaction.

Just like other races grow up in sanctuaries, most human children learn to read and gain knowledge through temples from a young age.

The weight of the title ‘priest’ is different.

“Ah! Then can we get our weapons back now?”

Elisa asks innocently.

Her tone is as if she just realized they don’t have their weapons. I guess showing off her divine power was a stepping stone for this.

The reason they boldly discarded their weapons earlier must have been because they believed in this.

But what a shame.

“That’s not possible.”

“Ye, yes?”

I look at her bewildered expression and act nonchalantly.

There’s no need to reveal that I already know their true identities.

“I understand that you’re a real priestess. But so what?”

I’m a barbarian who believes in the ancestor god.

I haven’t received anything from priests, so it’s not strange for me to react like this.

Elisa smiles awkwardly and looks at Rotmiller and Dwarkey, who are both human.

It seems like she’s trying to ask for their help…

But I firmly shut down any room for negotiation.

“You’ll get your weapons back when they leave after paying compensation.”

“Co, compensation?”

“Why are you surprised? Whether you’re a priestess or whatever, you’re an explorer as long as you’re in the labyrinth. You have to follow the customs.”

“Ah, ye-es… I heard there was such a custom. Then… how much should we pay?”

I pretend to think for a moment and then say,

“About 2 million stones should be enough.”

“…Wh, what?”

Elisa asks back as if she misheard.

But I’m righteous.

“It’s not an unreasonable demand, is it?”

Hell, this is considered lenient.

I’ve heard that some assholes take all the equipment as payment for sparing their lives.

“Don’t be so stingy, think of it as the price for your lives.”

“But… we don’t have that much money…”

I already know that.

Who would carry cash around when they enter the labyrinth?

Since I got the expected answer, it’s time to make my next move.

“We won’t ask you to lower the price. At least once we get outside—”

“No. I don’t trust anyone but my own kind. Pay with goods if you don’t have the money.”


“Hmm, that man’s armor seems like it would be enough.”

I point at Hans C with my index finger, and Hans frowns. However, after exchanging glances with Elisa, he sighs deeply.

“Whew, alright, if this is what it takes to save our lives, it’s not a bad deal. But there’s one condition. We’ll stay with you tonight until our fatigue is gone.”


I readily nod.

Their intentions are obvious, but it’s not like it’s a promise I’m actually going to keep, so what’s the problem?

“Irita, will you help me?”

“I will.”

With the help of the spearman next to him, Hans C, who has taken off his heavy armor, hands the equipment to Rotmiller.

Alright, I’ve at least stripped one of them of their armor.

‘I think this is the most we can take from them…’

“So, now that we’ve paid, will you give us back our weapons?”

I can’t hold it in any longer and smile brightly.

Honestly, I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, but…

“…Why are you smiling?”

Hans C asks with a stiff expression.

I don’t bother answering.

Just like I didn’t clear up Misha’s misunderstanding about my gaze towards Elisa earlier.

They’ll find out soon enough.

“Um, Mr. Yandel? It will be difficult for us if you ask for more—”

“Ah, I won’t do that.”

I answer and then smash Elisa’s head with my mace.


“El, Lady Elisa!!!”

In any game, it’s a universal rule to smash the healer’s head first.


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