SGB: Episode 8

Episode 8: Night Companion (1)

I walk through the cave.

This time, I'm not limping, but walking properly.

「Character has equipped leather boots.」

「Total item level has increased by +5.」

The boots are a bit big. Thanks to this, I learned one more thing. That man had big feet for his height. Anyway, they seem sturdy enough that even if I step on a trap, I won't be fatally wounded like before.

「Character has equipped a two-handed hammer.」

「Total item level has increased by +30.」

This hammer, made of solid iron, is about 1 meter long. When the man used it, it was a two-handed weapon, but I can easily swing it with one hand.

「Character has equipped shoulder guards.」

「Total item level has increased by +13.」

They're made of steel. I loosened the straps a bit, and they fit perfectly. With my upper body bare and only the shoulder guards on, I look like a gladiator.

「Character has equipped a backpack.」

「Inventory space has increased.」

Now I don't have to store bloodstained magic stones with my bread, and it's much less cumbersome when I move.

Chew, chew.

I take out some jerky and chew on it.

There aren't many left as it's meant for snacks, but it's tastier than bread.

I carefully store the remaining pieces using a portable knife to avoid getting saliva on them.

Day 2, I've graduated from my primitive lifestyle.

When I'm thirsty, I drink water from the canteen.

When I'm curious about the direction, I take out the compass, and when I want to know the time, I take out the pocket watch and check it.

The emergency potion will help me cope with any unexpected injuries.

Isn't it a bit ironic?

After killing a person, I can live a little more like a human.
「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 1

Physical: 25 / Mental: 37(New +1) / Ability: 1

Item Level: 72 (New +48)

Total Combat Index: 81 (New +13

Smash was a good skill to use with a shield, but with a proper weapon in hand, its power is extraordinary.


With one swing of the hammer, the goblin disappears into light.

I should have just chosen a weapon from the beginning. I could have bought a shield later with the money I earned anyway.

Well, I didn't know I'd be this good at fighting back then.

Is it because I'm in a barbarian's body?

When I fight, I feel like my body isn't my own. I should be getting used to it by now, but I'm still amazed when I see this body exceeding my expectations.

"I'm so sleepy I could die."

I yawn and pick up two magic stones that have fallen nearby, putting them in my bag.

This is a change that occurred with the start of Day 2.

Goblins have started to appear in pairs.

Probably by tomorrow, the number will increase to three or four, and it will continue like that until the 7th day when the labyrinth closes. That's how it was in the game.

In that sense, it's not bad so far.

I've gained combat power with the new weapon, and I've become safer thanks to various consumables.

It's going pretty smoothly.

'Except for the fact that my eyes keep closing.'

I've been continuously moving and fighting goblins since yesterday. But the time I've slept is less than 10 minutes, and even that was while standing up and dozing off.

I want to sleep.

I don't even want a bed or a pillow. I just want to crouch down on the bare floor.

I really feel like I'm going to die—

"Ah, shit!"

I almost tripped over a rock while dozing off.

I was unusually lucky. If it had been a trap, it would have been a big disaster.

"I might as well sleep for a bit..."

As soon as I make the decision, I lean against the wall with the shield and hammer in my hands.

Although there are no night companions by my side...

It feels safer that way. If I'm going to be ambushed, I'd rather it be by goblins.

If I have to choose, getting stabbed by a dagger would have a higher chance of survival, right?

Compared to getting hit by a hammer while sleeping.


Damn it.

I open my eyes to the sound of footsteps that I'm now too familiar with.

They didn't show their faces for over 4 hours while I was on watch, but as soon as I seem to be dozing off alone, they appear.

Now I understand why the man told me not to let my guard down.

...Persistent bastards.

I immediately run out and plunge my hammer into the goblin's head.


"Grr, grr!"

There were two of them sneaking up, but as soon as one of them turns into mush, the other one immediately turns tail and runs away.

Yeah, go, go.

I don't even have the energy to chase you.

"Ha, those bastards..."

I check the time, and it hasn't even been 10 minutes.

In the end, I have no choice but to wander around the cave again, hunting goblins.

And when I'm so tired that I can't take it anymore, I lean against the wall and doze off like before.

There have been a few close calls while I was dozing off, but there were only two times when I felt like I was really going to die.

Once, when I opened my eyes after sensing a presence, an explorer was quietly approaching me.

He smiled awkwardly when our eyes met and then backed away and disappeared.

...It still gives me chills just thinking about it.

The second one was no less thrilling, though.

Especially since it's ongoing.

「Character was attacked by a goblin while sleeping.」

For the first time, I woke up not to a presence but to pain.

I see a goblin right in front of me. I swing my hammer and kill the one in front first, and the other one, like before, runs away in a hurry.

"Grr, grr!!"

I immediately check the source of the pain.

And oh my god, there's a dagger stuck between my collarbones.

...Damn, no wonder my left arm wasn't moving properly.

Phew, I'm lucky it ended with just pain.

If I were a little shorter or if the goblin had just a little more jumping power, this dagger would have been stuck in my neck.


I grit my teeth and pull out the dagger.

And I drop a few drops of potion from my bag onto the wound.

As soon as I close the lid and put it back in my bag, the blood bubbles and regenerates rapidly.


Did the person who made this potion, is he a psychopath?

Somehow, it hurts more than when I got stabbed.

"Keueueueuk, heuheuheuheu..."

After about 5 minutes, the pain disappears.

With this much pain, I should be wide awake, but my eyelids feel even heavier than before.

My focus blurs as soon as I relax my concentration for a moment.

It's time to make a decision that I've been putting off.

Even though the barbarian's body is sensitive to killing intent, there's a limit to how much I can doze off like this. Just now, I woke up after getting stabbed.

'I need to rest.'

I check the time, and it's been about 14 hours since I parted ways with the man.

The explorers operating on the 1st floor are probably starting to look for night companions again.

"Hey barbarian, are you looking for a night companion by any chance?"

As I wander around nearby, explorers start talking to me first.

And very enthusiastically too.

"Hmm, you seem quite tired. Would you like to come here?"

"A barbarian is trustworthy. If you come, we'll be a group of three. How about joining us?"

It feels like I've become a popular gigolo.

Is it because everyone is in a similar state on the 2nd day?

There are no bastards who complain about the smell. Or maybe the smell wasn't the problem from the beginning.

Well, to be honest, my appearance yesterday, covered in blood and limping because I lost a shoe, was a bit much.

"Really? That's a shame."

Despite the numerous offers, I decline them all and continue to pass by.

Ha, isn't there a single sturdy barbarian around?

The best scenario for me would be to meet a fellow barbarian and become night companions. The problem is that I haven't seen a single barbarian since entering the 2nd day.

"You're looking for a fellow barbarian? Hmm, that'll be tough."

"Tough? Why?"

"Even a barbarian who just finished their coming-of-age ceremony moves up to the higher floors within two or three months. As far as I know, there are less than a hundred barbarians on the 1st floor."

After some inquiry, it seems like barbarians are rare on the 1st floor. Well, it would be strange for someone with this kind of physique to be struggling on the 1st floor.

99% of the explorers I met on the 1st floor were humans anyway.

"Why don't you join us instead?"

"Sorry, but I can't."

"I see. May the blessings of Lafdonia be with you on your journey."

"Thank you."

This man seemed quite reliable, but I continue moving on after that conversation.

After finding out that barbarian hearts are expensive, I can't help but find every explorer suspicious.


I take out the compass.

I've been moving south since I got this, but I still haven't left the goblin zone.

I'm realizing just how big the 1st floor is.

'...Should I give up on finding a fellow barbarian?'

My contemplation doesn't last long.

I decide to abandon the needle-in-a-haystack search and come up with a more realistic plan.

I'll find a night companion, even if they're not a barbarian.

But excluding humans.

I'll look for a member of a different race, which accounts for about 1% of the population.

Elves who value promises or dwarves with a personality as bold as barbarians would be the best, but...

It doesn't really matter if it's another race.

Most of the other races, unlike humans, are well-off.

They have the potential to climb up to the higher floors if given enough time, so they won't be blinded by small amounts of money and harm fellow explorers.

With that decision made, I wander around the cave for about an hour.


「Encountered an injured fairy.」

I finally find the member of a different race I've been looking for.
The moment our eyes meet, a strangely suffocating silence descends.


The fairy with pointed ears leans against the wall and sits, silently staring at me.

Was she dozing off alone without a night companion?

Her amber eyes, shining like a cat's, are filled with a mixture of bewilderment and deep wariness.

It seems like she just wants me to pass by and disappear...


As the standoff continues, the fairy gets up from her seat with a tense expression.

But her posture is unnatural.

Looking closely, I see a wound on her abdomen.

"You're hurt."

It's not a deep wound, but a long laceration.

Not something that could be inflicted by the daggers goblins use.

I quickly reach a conclusion.


The fairy doesn't answer.

She seems scared of me.

Well, I can understand. If I were injured and a giant like me approached, I'd be scared shitless too.

And she's a woman, isn't she?

She's also small. Maybe around 160 cm?

Anyway, it's not a bad situation—

"Please spare me."


"Please, just this once. Please let me go, Mister Barbarian. I have a younger sibling in the city that I need to take care of."

While I'm trying to figure out what kind of development this is...

The fairy drops to her knees without hesitation. Thud.

Her eyes are even filled with tears.


What the, what kind of fairy has no pride?

Honestly, I thought she'd be the cool beauty type.

Not only because of her looks, but because the fairies in the game mostly had that kind of personality and way of speaking.

Phew, if I had known she was this type of character, I would have approached her differently.

Let's clear up the misunderstanding before the situation gets worse.

"I have no intention of killing you."

I speak with clear pronunciation while maintaining eye contact.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, so if I just give her some time to calm down, she'll realize that what I'm saying is true—

"...Do you really have to do this, Mister Barbarian?"


I'm confused about my identity.

I feel like a flasher harassing a high school girl in front of her school. I'm clearly a barbarian, though.

"Just once, please just let me go."

As my silence continues, the fairy steps back with a look of even greater fear and clutches her collar.

This is ridiculous.

What kind of lives do barbarians live? How bad is their reputation for her to be acting like this?


I sigh involuntarily.

What do I do?

If I show her through actions, not words, that I'm not that kind of trash, will the misunderstanding clear up?

...It doesn't seem like a bad method.

"Heal yourself first. We'll talk later."

I take a step back and throw some herbs and bandages from my bag.

"These are... licho leaves...?"

So these really were licho leaves.

I can use them with peace of mind from now on.

I couldn't use them earlier because I was worried they might be poisonous.
