SGB: Episode 7

Episode 7: Give and Take (3)

I'm snoring right now.

Very loudly, imagining a barbarian who has collapsed from exhaustion after a hard day.

Snore, snore, snore!

...Hmm, is this a bit too much?

While I'm slightly worried, I hear a chuckle.

"...They really are a fascinating race."

It seems to have worked well.

It's more due to the racial advantage than my good acting, though.

Barbarians are perceived as simple and stupid.

That's why I always act like a barbarian, even when the 'evil spirit' issue isn't involved.

It's a kind of hidden blade behind a smile.

Just like hiding a blade behind a smile, I use the prejudice that I'm naive as a weapon to see through their true intentions.

...That sounds a bit chuunibyou, though.

In conclusion, it means it's much easier to figure out their inner thoughts.

Just like this.

Snore, snore, snore!

For a realistic performance, I even scratch my belly and curl up on my side.

While doing so, I focus all my attention on the man's movements, listening closely.

Since I've shown this much vulnerability, if he has any ulterior motives, he'll act on them soon.

Or he'll just keep sleeping.

Honestly, I don't know if I can sleep in this state, though.

"Bjorn, it's time to switch."

Ah, hmm... I didn't know I would literally not sleep at all.

"Just because goblins haven't shown up so far, don't let your guard down completely. They're cunning bastards."

As if he doesn't trust me, the man indirectly tells me to keep watch properly and lies down comfortably like before.

And within 5 minutes, he falls asleep again.

A feeling of emptiness washes over me.

I should have just slept too. What the hell have I been doing for the past 2 hours?

Damn it.

Is it because a stranger is next to me?

Even though I've judged him to be trustworthy, I can't sleep at all.

If I had known this would happen, I would have been better off sleeping lightly alone while being careful of goblins.

Then I could have gotten at least some sleep.


I'm so tired I could die.

I feel even sleepier because the man is sleeping.

Still, it's my turn, so I diligently think of other things to chase away sleepiness.

While I'm doing this, someone calls me.

"Bjorn, wake up."

"...I didn't sleep."

"How about you wipe the drool off your mouth before you speak?"

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, and it's really wet.

"Since you were sleeping standing up, you didn't even snore."

It seems like I really did sleep.

For a short while, with only 10 minutes left until the shift change.

...My heart sinks.

However, there's something I need to do before blaming myself for being careless.

I apologize honestly.

"I'm sorry."

I'm not pretending to be a barbarian; I mean it.

Night companions are in a kind of transactional relationship. But even though the man provided a safe environment during his watch, I couldn't do the same.

It's only natural to apologize.

At least to avoid becoming the kind of person I despise the most.

"...Fortunately, there were no problems while you were asleep, so I won't say much."

"Thank you. If you want, you can sleep more. I'll keep watch one more time."

"No, that won't do. It can't be like that. It's your turn, so sleep. Give me back the watch."

The man smiles kindly and forgives me, even though he could have blamed me.

I don't refuse any further and go to my spot, crouching down.

And as expected, sleep doesn't come.

I find all explorers, including the man, extremely admirable. To trust someone you just met and entrust your life to them?

They must have incredible guts.

There's no way I can do that.

For that reason, I start snoring again, as usual.

Snore, snore, snore!

There's no other way.

Sorry, man, but I've started to find you even more suspicious.

Snore, snore, snore!

If he's so suspicious, wouldn't it be better to call it quits and part ways at this point?

Even while thinking this, I keep snoring.

How much time has passed?


A small but unusual sound arises.

Is it the buckle of his backpack? His belt? Or the heel of his shoe?

I can't even guess where the sound came from.

But as soon as I notice it, the barbarian's body instinctively interprets it.


Is this the killing intent they talk about in martial arts novels?

Goosebumps rise all over my skin.

I immediately open my eyes and check the front.

"You're awake."

The man is still smiling kindly.

With the two-handed hammer, covered in the blood and flesh of goblins, raised above his head.

This fucking...


The body trained as a warrior reacts faster than me.

Before my brain can even give the order, my body is already rolling sideways on the ground.


As I hear something shattering right in front of me, I use the momentum to quickly get up and regain my balance.


The man, whose surprise attack has failed, has a flustered expression.

I dash forward instead of asking why.

"Wai, wait!"

Is he trying to make some kind of excuse? That he wasn't going to do it? That he was just trying to loosen up? If that's really the case, it's a bit, no, very funny.

Damn it, just how shitty is the perception of barbarians?


Smash, using the shield, lands squarely on the man's chin.

However, a sturdy human is different from a goblin.

The man staggers but doesn't fall.

Then one more time.




With a clattering sound, the hammer in the man's hand falls to the ground.

Blood is flowing freely from his nose, which is already swollen red.

...Ugh, that must hurt.

I think about it, but I don't let my guard down.

Because I want to be the guy who doesn't know those things.

So, once again—

"St, stop! I, I can explain...!"


The man, who has been repeatedly hit in the face with the shield, finally falls to his knees and collapses.

In game terms, he's incapacitated.

In other words, we can now have a conversation.


"I, I was wrong! Please spare me!"

He's decided to beg for forgiveness?

His judgment is quick, but I can't call it wise.

That's not the conversation I want right now.

"Why did you do it?"

"I, I was tempted by the magic stones... I was just going to knock you out and steal them. Please believe me!"

Believe my ass.

If I was that full of humanity, I would have had a few more friends.

"The shield! I was going to take the shield too!"

I slowly raise the shield, and the man quickly adds something.

This is the main reason I don't trust humans.

They all lie so easily.

Even when they can't deceive properly.

"Why the shield?"

"...Barbarian equipment is of good quality. I was going to sell it in the city."

Indeed, the equipment barbarians receive during the tutorial is mostly expensive.

It's because the amount of steel used is significantly higher than that of ordinary equipment.

Even my shield is made of solid steel.

But even so, to kill someone just to get this?

Hmm, come to think of it, it's not a completely unbelievable story.



The man is still hiding something.

"Tell me honestly. Why did you do it?"

I press my foot on the man's chest, just like I did with the fallen goblin.


Fear fills the man's eyes.

But is it because he tried to kill me?

Strangely, I don't feel anything special.

It feels like I understand why people say not to look into the eyes of a cow when slaughtering it...

But I just ignore that feeling.

As I'm contemplating ending the conversation here, the man shouts.

"He, heart!"


An unexpected word.

As I look at him with a questioning gaze, the man continues, as if resigned.

"...Barbarian hearts are sold at a high price."


"I, I don't know exactly, but they say it's used as a material for newly developed magic!"

"I see."

Now I understand his motive.

To this man, I was a goblin.

Difficult to catch, but once caught, a big reward can be obtained.

"Why did you act now instead of when I was first asleep?"

"...I have to sleep too."

Ah, I see.

He wanted to sleep and make money at the same time.

I thought he was just being cautious, but he was just a hardcore efficiency freak.

"I've told you everything, so please forgive me..."


Honestly, I can only laugh.


That's not something a guy who tried to take my magic stones, equipment, and even my heart should be saying, right?

If I had been just a little slower, I wouldn't even have had the chance to beg for my life.


Well, he wants to live, right? Did he think this would happen? That attitude deserves some praise.


"Man, I can't do that. I've been backstabbed too many times."

"No, no, no! That's not it! I'm different!"

Come to think of it, even the goblin said something like that.

I just interpreted it from its eyes, but anyway.

What did I do then?

I raise the shield I'm holding with both hands high.

However, unlike then, I hesitate for a moment.

Of course, the moment of hesitation doesn't last long.

Feeling an unknown force pulling my arm...

"No, no!"

I slam the shield down with all my might.

Crack, along with the sound of bones breaking, a heavy silence falls.

「Achievement Unlocked」

Condition: First kill

Reward: Mental stat permanently increases by +1

I don't turn away from what I've done; I accept it as it is.

It's been about a day since I entered this game-like world.

I killed a person.

And I gained a large hammer, shoulder guards, leather boots, a compass, a knife, a pocket watch, a water canteen, a backpack, a blanket, herbs and bandages, a bottle of potion, 6 days worth of food and snacks, and 32 9th grade magic stones.


  1. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

  2. I like this novel very much for now


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