SGB: Episode 98

Episode 98: Barbarian Trophy (5)

Unfortunately, my opponent in the semi-finals is not the last remaining member of the three knight assholes.

Because the other one lost in the second round.

And it seemed like he purposely lost.

'So I couldn't give one of them physical therapy.'

Anyway, since there's no need to aim for the head anymore, I shatter his sword with my double-edged axe as soon as the duel starts.

But did he not want to lose to a barbarian?

"I, it's not over yet!"

He shows his will to continue the duel even without a sword. So I also discard my axe, run towards him, and break his spine.

"Th, the winner is Bjorn Yandel of the Martoan Barony!"

Although it was a bloodless victory, the crowd's reaction isn't bad.


"Knight Crusher, Little Balkan, Bjorn, son of Yandel!!"

It seems like the sight of a man being folded in half is quite stimulating for them too.

The baron's reaction isn't much different.

As soon as I return to the tent, he asks with wide eyes,

"Hey, do you know? It was chilling! To throw a man in the air and then catch him with your knee, where did you learn that technique?"

Hmm, if I had to answer, I saw it in a comic book.

This is the first time I've realized that it's physically possible.

There's truly nothing barbarians can't do.

"I'll rest for a bit until the next match."

"Huh? Ah, right."

I ask for the baron's understanding and close my eyes for a moment.

It's not that I'm sleepy, but...

'There's only one left, right?'

With victory in sight, my heart starts pounding.

The long-awaited final match begins.

"Sir Albatross of the Perdehilt County and Bjorn Yandel of the Martoan Barony, please take your positions!"

My opponent is an apprentice knight under Count Perdehilt, the host of the banquet and the one who suggested I participate in the tournament...

...but leaving aside the aftermath...

The duel itself doesn't worry me much.

Because I've already analyzed my opponent while watching the previous matches.


The huge knight greets me, holding a massive greatsword.

I smirk as I look at him.

'I think I understand the Count's personality now.'

Knights are different from explorers.

To them, essences are just a means to enhance their swordsmanship. Therefore, they mostly choose essences related to physical stats, and the combination of essences varies from family to family.

Several efficient combinations have become established as the standard through systematic research...

...but characters have their own 'concepts'.

'Orc Great Warrior, Giant Golem, and Cyclops...'

My opponent is a typical strength-based knight.

Perhaps with priests in mind, he focused on physical resistance rather than regeneration and equipped a full set of Laetium armor, a 2nd-tier material, using his high strength.

He's practically a walking tank.

'They really splurged on this apprentice knight.'

I'm once again surprised by the Count's wealth as I guess his preferences.

One 7th-grade and two 6th-grade essences.

He must have bought and absorbed essences stored in test tubes, but how much did it cost?

'With the equipment he's wearing, he's practically beyond the level of a 3rd-floor explorer.'

I suddenly have the thought that the Count might not have even considered the possibility of me winning.

This guy's level is that overwhelming.

Most of the participants were level 2 and only had 7th-grade essences.

"Why are you barehanded when you have equipment?"

Anyway, just before the duel starts, while we're crossing our weapons, my opponent asks a question.

He's curious why I came up on stage with just one axe, unlike the previous duels.

I answer briefly,

"Because it's uncomfortable."

It's not meant to be an insult, it's the truth.

The heavy plate boots, the overly designed helmet, belt, shoulder guards, etc. Even if I can't expect much in terms of defense, they shouldn't hinder my movement.

"I see. It would be difficult to fight like usual while wearing those."

Fortunately, my opponent takes my words at face value.

But that's all.

"I was worried it would end too quickly, but it seems like you're planning to take it seriously, so I'm relieved."

His relaxed expression and tone of voice are an expression of his confidence that he'll win no matter what I do.

I don't feel the need to continue the conversation.

"That's good to hear."

If he's letting his guard down, it's all the better.


I pull back my weapon and create some distance.

My opponent does the same.

As the distance between us widens to about 15 meters, the referee raises his flag.

It's a sign that we can attack each other now.

"Come at me."

My opponent takes a knightly stance and gestures with his sword.

Seeing that, I can somehow imagine the scenario he's hoping for.

The barbarian who gained the nickname 'Knight Crusher' with his overwhelming power.

A true knight who gracefully and elegantly defeats that barbarian.

The cheers of the crowd and the recognition of his lord.

A bright future unfolding before him like a paved road.


I can tell how easy this guy's life has been.

Whether my prediction is correct or not...

If you have something you want, you should be more desperate.

It's not about how good things can get when they go well, but about always considering the opposite.

'Still, seeing him let his guard down like this, it's a good thing I hid it until the end.'

The tournament hosted by the Count.


I use that combo for the first time.

「Character has cast [Gigantification].」

「Character’s size increases, and threat level and physical stats increase proportionally.」

「Character has used [Wild Release].」

「Character’s threat level is temporarily tripled, and physical stats increase proportionally.」

[Gigantification] and [Wild Release].

Using these two skills together greatly increases threat level. And in proportion to that, physical stats also increase significantly.

Although [Wild Release] has the downside of only lasting for 30 seconds…

So what?

At least I can feel an insane power boost during that time.

'Well, I didn't expect it to end so anticlimactically.'

Is it a side effect of having an excessively high threat level?

Competitiveness or whatever, threat level works regardless of the target's personality.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

The knight is frozen stiff, unable to move, from the overwhelming sense of fear I'm radiating.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

I dash forward, making sounds like a large monster's footsteps.

However, just as I'm about to swing my axe down...

"Hi, eek!"

The knight rolls on the ground to dodge and then starts running away.

But there's no way he can keep running in this narrow arena.

I corner him like in a boxing game and reach out to grab him.

That's when...

"He's, he's out of bounds!"

The guy runs out of the arena, and the final match ends without a proper fight.

'Well, it's convenient for me, but...'

The crowd's reaction is cold.

Fortunately, there's no criticism directed at me, but sharp boos are showered upon the knight who showed dishonorable behavior.

"Ah, no, I did it unconsciously... Le, let's do it again... I can do it again!"

He comes back onto the stage, having come to his senses, but it's no different from clutching at straws.

"How much further are you going to humiliate me?"

He was demanding a rematch from the referee, but he hangs his head low at the Count's cold words.

"The winner is Bjorn Yandel of the Martoan Barony!"

Tsk, should I not have used [Gigantification]?

That thought comes to mind belatedly.

Although I won easily, it's so awkward that even I feel embarrassed.

'It seems like I even offended the Count...'

It's not good news for me, who was worried about the aftermath rather than winning the tournament.

My actions, which were meant to eliminate any variables by hiding my strength until the end, have created a new variable.

'Damn it, I didn't expect him to just run away like that.'

Phew, he's not going to harm me because of this, right?

I'm inwardly worried, but the Count just laughs heartily as he personally comes up on stage to award me the necklace and the trophy.

"Haha! Today was very impressive."

The Count pats me on the forearm since he can't reach my shoulder and offers words of encouragement. I can't tell if he's genuinely not holding a grudge or just acting.

As I'm feeling uncertain and observing his expression...

The Count whispers to me so that only I can hear,

"I'll call you separately when you're more prepared."

"...Call me?"

"You don't need to know the details. Just ignore any other nobles who call for you until then. Got it?"

I nod, even though I don't understand what he means.

Because I have that much sense.

'And he has such a scary look in his eyes...'

If I had said no, it seemed like he would have done something.

Anyway, the long banquet comes to an end with the award ceremony. Well, there are many who stay and enjoy the party until dawn...

...but Baron Martoan is not one of them.

"I'm tired. Let's go back."

I return to the mansion with the same people I came with and receive all my equipment back. And I also receive the promised service fee.

"You really worked hard today. Your name and my family's name will surely be the talk of the social circles for months to come. So if you have any problems, don't hesitate to come to me."

It seems like the baron really likes me.

Even if it's just empty words, judging by the way he's saying it...

'Well, he should be happy after I did all this for him.'

"Then go now. I'm also tired. I told them to prepare a carriage, so you can take that and go."

"Thank you!"

It's past 2:00 AM when I finally return to my accommodation in Ravigion after leaving the Imperial City of Karnon.

My body and mind are both exhausted after the long day, but...

'Then shall we begin?'

I sit at the table instead of going to bed.

And I start the final calculations.

The service fee of 1 million stones that was initially promised.

The tournament participation fee of 2 million stones.

The additional 1 million stones he promised if I won.

And the 300,000 stones I received as a reward for giving the trophy to the baron.

‘That's a total of 4.3 million stones in cash.’

Is it because my client is a rich noble?

I've earned an amount that's hard to believe is just a day's wage.

And that's not all.

Whether it's the new nickname 'Knight Crusher' or whatever...

‘I didn't expect to get this so early…’

No. 7777 Garpas's Necklace.

I've obtained an item that, if I'm unlucky, I might not even get in the later stages of the game, no matter how much I grind.

Although it will require a lot of resources to activate the hidden piece…

…it's undeniable that it's a stroke of incredible luck.

Therefore, I make a resolution once again.

‘Just how many luck stacks have I accumulated?’

From now on, I really need to be careful even when breathing.

The morning after the banquet...

One question is answered.

At least partially.

‘What kind of letters are these…?’

As soon as I wake up, letters start arriving nonstop. They're all from nobles.

Letters asking if I can attend banquets they're hosting.

For reference, the letters also include a promise to provide 'a small token of appreciation' if I attend.

It's not really a small token, it's an amount that would allow me to live comfortably for the rest of my life just by doing this…

‘So this is what the Count meant.’

The words about calling me separately when I'm ready are still incomprehensible. But telling me to ignore other nobles' invitations must have referred to this.

‘Phew, how much of a financial loss is this?’

Therefore, I reply to all of them with a refusal.

Because if I just ignore them, those prideful nobles might retaliate.

But if I attend, it seems like I'll incur the Count's wrath.

‘What the hell is the Count thinking?’

Honestly, he's the one I'm most afraid of.

Although he has been treating me favorably, these kinds of people tend to lose their minds once they're offended.

And his intentions are unclear from the beginning.

What reason would a Count have to be interested in a barbarian explorer?

‘Let’s investigate the Count when the community opens next time.’

I engrave the new quest in my mind and quickly finish preparing to go out.

And I head to the Magic Tower.

‘This month is also the last time for the regular research.’

It’s almost been three months since I made the promise with Raven.

Well, that’s not the reason for my visit today, though.

“Oh, you’re here?”

When I arrive at Raven’s personal research lab, she greets me in a normal state for once, even though it’s early in the morning.

“So where’s the senior I’m supposed to help with research today?”

“I, that is…”

Raven trails off.

It’s just that, but I have a bad feeling.

That’s when…

“It’s been a while.”

As if he’s been waiting, a white-haired old man appears from behind the door.

The master of the Artemion school.

Also known as ‘old man’.


There’s no explanation, but I understand the situation in an instant.

“I’m pretty sure you said ‘senior’.”

“I’m sorry, my master was being so stubborn…”

So she changed it, huh.

I glance at the old man, and he bursts into a benevolent laugh.

“Keke, don’t be too nervous. It’s not that grand of an experiment.”

That’s something I can only know after hearing about it.

As I look at him with an expression that says ‘continue explaining’, the old man speaks in a meaningful tone,

“It’s an experiment to see if we can distinguish the souls of evil spirits with a magic tool I created!”

No, damn it.

What the hell is this again?


  1. I wonder if the master is the person who's been there for 20 years


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