SGB: Episode 43

Episode 43: The Mage and the Barbarian (3)

“Oh! Bjorn, son of Yandel!”

I leave the Magic Tower and head straight for the barbarian-exclusive inn.

Is it because it’s the second month now?

More than half of the familiar faces are gone, and their places are filled with new barbarians.

I hear it’s an unspoken tradition to leave this place and make room for others as soon as you start earning money…

‘Among those I don’t see, there must be many who died this time.’

This is probably the fate of being born a barbarian.

Unlike fairies, who have a strong support system from above, once you leave for the city, you have to manage on your own.

“Is Ainar inside?”

“Ainar left for the sanctuary as soon as morning came!”

Tsk, I had a feeling that would be the case.

I came straight here because she hadn’t shown her face for two days after leaving the labyrinth, but it was a wasted trip in the end.

“Ah, did you hear the news?”

“What news?”

“About the barbarian of freedom! The whole city is in an uproar because of him, didn’t you know?”

I flinch instinctively.

“…I, I had no idea. Do you happen to know his name?”

“Who knows? Strangely, that’s the only thing that hasn’t been revealed!”

At least the guild seems to have kept my name anonymous.

“Anyway, to have someone like that among our tribe, I’m so proud! He single-handedly defeated hundreds of people and cleared his name that the guild bastards had falsely accused him of, isn’t that amazing?”

“…He defeated hundreds of people?”

I swear, that never happened.

All I did was hold the regional manager’s daughter hostage and whine.

But the rumors have already been exaggerated like this?

I’m worried about what will happen later, but…

‘…It’ll probably die down soon. The guild guys aren’t idiots.’

“I’ll come back tomorrow morning, so could you tell Ainar that when she returns?”


I turn around and head towards the inn I used to stay at.

But what’s this situation?

“Yo, you’re…! I, I thought you were dead?”

The innkeeper is startled as if he’s seen a ghost.

It’s not exactly a wrong analogy.

Without having to ask in detail, I learn that he cleared out my room because he thought I was dead.

“What did you do with my belongings that were inside?”

“I cleared everything out…”

“But I paid in advance for three days, didn’t I?”

As irritation creeps into my voice, the innkeeper’s face starts to turn pale.

‘I can’t just beat him up—’

Wait a minute.

Since when did I start thinking like this so naturally?

I flinch at the belated sense of incongruity.

‘…Maybe it was from the first day.’

Actually, when I think about it, everything has been a bit strange.

My mind was calm even though a man’s head flew off as soon as I opened my eyes.

It was the same when I first killed someone in the labyrinth.

I thought it was something I had to do, but it was too easy.

It wasn’t even a gradual change.

From the day I woke up in this body, I’ve been violent and simple-minded like the barbarians.

‘That’s the same even today.’

Causing a prison break?

Of course, I came to the same conclusion after much deliberation, but there was an uncanny lack of hesitation.

And at the Magic Tower, I argued with the old man.

Getting worked up just because I heard something I didn’t like?

Lee Hansu, the 29-year-old office worker, would never have done that.

He wasn’t timid, but he wasn’t bold either. He was a suspicious person who observed things for a long time before taking action.

‘But what about now?’

Until now, I thought it was just a change brought about by being in a special environment.

But the sense of incongruity is growing.

‘It’s clear.’

I’ve come to a realization.

Just like how the instincts engraved in this unrefined body come out naturally every time I fight…

My mind has also changed.

No, rather than change, it’s more accurate to say assimilation.

“Pl, please forgive me! Please stop glaring!”

I sigh after finishing my thoughts.

I’ve changed.

It’s strange that I’m only realizing it now, but that much is certain.

But what am I supposed to do about it?

‘To survive here, this is actually better.’

I decide to think of it as positively as possible.

Well, I’ll just have to be a bit more careful in managing the barbarian instincts.

“…Just give me 30,000 stones and I’ll let it go.”

Although the innkeeper’s behavior is quite resentful, I decide to just receive appropriate compensation and call it a day.

The most expensive item among the lost belongings is the clothes I bought for 2,500 stones…

I’d rather rest than argue.

“30,000 stones! Just for selling a few measly belongings—”

“Didn’t you say you threw everything away?”


“Anyway, if you’re not going to pay, just say so. I’ll tell everyone here what I went through.”

“…How about I let you use our inn for that amount instead?”


I have no intention of using this shitty inn in the future.

Stealing a dead explorer’s belongings is one thing, but it’s basic business ethics to at least wait until the promised date.

“Phew, please keep your promise not to tell anyone.”

“Of course.”

After receiving an additional 30,000 stones in income, I head to an inn I had my eye on before.

The average meal cost and the cost per night are about twice as expensive…

But it’s worth it.

‘Now it feels like I’m living like a human being.’

First of all, the room is 1.5 times larger than before.

There are windows, and there’s even a private bathtub in the bathroom.

And it’s much closer to the Dimensional Plaza.

I scrub my body clean for about an hour, washing away the grime accumulated in the labyrinth, and then throw myself onto the bed.

It’s soft.

I seriously think that maybe this is the kind of brief happiness that people live for.

But is that why?

Suddenly, everything I’ve experienced, from the labyrinth to what happened after returning to the city, unfolds in my mind like a panorama.

“Damn it.”

Why is it so hard to just get a good night’s sleep?

The next morning, as soon as the sun rises, I enter a random clothing store and buy some everyday clothes.

And then I head to the barbarian-exclusive inn.

“Bjorn!! Where have you been?!”

“I had some things to do. Sorry for making you worry.”

“Worry? What are you talking about! There’s no way I would do that! Bjorn would come back alive even if thrown into hell!”

So that’s how you see me.

Well, I also prefer this over some half-assed melodrama.

Since we’re both hungry, we head to a nearby restaurant.

“Ah, did you hear about that?”

Ainar starts with a question as soon as we sit down and order.

I had a feeling she would, so I’m not too surprised this time.

“Ah, you mean the barbarian of freedom?”

“Huh? Barbarian of freedom? What are you talking about?”

Oh, that’s not what you were going to ask?

“…It’s nothing. So what were you going to say?”


Returning to her original topic, Ainar leans in and lowers her voice.

“I heard this from the elder… someone stole a Genesis Treasure!”

“A Genesis Treasure?”

I’m genuinely shocked.

Genesis Treasures refer to six treasures.

For reference, in the game, the six races – dwarves, barbarians, fairies, beastmen, dragonkin, and humans – each kept one.

And the problem is…

‘Without them, you can’t enter the last floor!’

Genesis Treasures are key items in [Dungeon and Stone].

To open the ‘Gate of the Abyss’… well, honestly, I don’t even know if such a thing exists anymore, but you need to gather all six Genesis Treasures.

But one of them is gone?

“Who would have the guts to do such a thing?”

“I don’t know either. But they say it was stolen on the day we had our coming-of-age ceremony. The elder said that the other races might be in a similar situation.”

“…I see.”

It feels like someone hit me on the back of the head with a hammer and ran away, but I don’t show it and finish my meal.

‘Damn, does that mean I have to live here forever?’

In a way, the most hopeful option I had has just disappeared.

But in the first place, it would take at least several years for the Genesis Treasures to become relevant to me.

‘…It’s not something I should be thinking about when I haven’t even reached the 3rd floor yet.’

In the end, what I need to do remains the same.

Become strong enough to have as many options as possible when the time for choices comes.

And who knows?

Maybe the thief who stole the Genesis Treasure will be caught soon.

“By the way, Ainar, are you free today?”

“Yes, I’m not going to the sanctuary today.”

“That’s good.”

After a quick meal, we head to the commercial district.

“So this is Commelby! This is my first time coming here! There are so many people!”


That’s what they call the 2nd to 5th districts that surround the 1st district, the Imperial City of Karnon, in a ring shape.

Many people simply call it the free market.

It’s the most commercially active place in the city. Lafdonia’s middle class resides here, and many artisans and shops are concentrated in this area.

The place I visited with Erwen the other day was also here.

‘I wonder how she’s doing?’

I suddenly remember Erwen.

When we met, she always came to the inn where I was staying.

But now that I’ve moved out of that inn…

It’s become quite difficult to meet again.

I don’t even remember exactly where the fairy-exclusive accommodation is.

‘Well, I could find it if I tried…’

But I don’t think it’s necessary.

As long as her sister is alive and well, she won’t be entering the labyrinth with me anyway.

‘If we’re meant to meet again, we will.’

Honestly, after experiencing so much lately, my memories of Erwen have also become quite faint.

It wasn’t that deep of a relationship in the first place.

“Oh! Bjorn, look over there! People are eating clouds skewered on sticks!”

What? There’s cotton candy?

I buy one out of curiosity, take a bite, and then give the rest to Ainar.

For your information, it really is cotton candy.

“I, I can’t believe it! Are humans all geniuses? To create such food!”

“Stop admiring it and follow me.”

“Do, don’t leave me behind! I can’t get back home alone!”

I speed up, and we soon arrive at our destination.

It’s the same weapon shop where I sold the equipment before.

I sell all the equipment, including the ones that were the cause of my imprisonment, and even my own equipment that has turned into scrap metal.

The total comes to about 800,000 stones.

I haven’t sold ‘that thing’ I got right before leaving the rift yet, but…

‘I can estimate it at around 500,000 stones.’

“Ainar, here’s your share.”

“I, I, is it okay to give me this much? I even absorbed an essence thanks to you…”

“Don’t refuse and take it. It’s what you deserve.”

For reference, the ratio is 8:2, as promised.

Still, she probably earned the most among our group of barbarians.

“I promised you, didn’t I? That I’d help you earn a lot of money if you followed me.”

“But 300,000 stones! Isn’t that too much! How many of those cloud snacks could I buy with this!”

It seems cotton candy has also become Ainar’s new unit of currency.

“Anyway, I’m getting hungry.”

Is it because of the ‘Appetite +9’ from the Corpse Golem essence? I feel like I get hungry much faster.

“Already? It hasn’t even been 3 hours!”

“So you’re not going?”

“Of course I’m going! Today, I’ll treat you to meat!”

We finish selling the equipment quickly and head to a nearby restaurant for a meal.

And just as we’re about to leave…

“Bjorn, thank you.”

Ainar says, looking me straight in the eyes.

Although there’s sauce on her mouth, her gaze is serious, unlike usual.

Phew, when she acts like this, it makes me feel awkward.

“It’s fine. Like I said before—”

“I’m not talking about money.”

Huh? Then what are you talking about?

“I just… wanted to say thank you for treating me normally, like before.”

I listened, but I didn’t understand at all.

But Ainar’s expression is too serious to just brush it off.

So I watch silently, and she speaks with difficulty.

“That… as you know, my appearance has changed quite a bit. The other tribe members avoid me because they don’t think I’m a warrior anymore.”


“And even worse, humans keep coming up to me and flirting wherever I go! That never happened before…!”

Indeed, I think it’s a serious concern for her, with her warrior pride.

Honestly, I can’t really relate.

That’s because my true nature is different from that of a barbarian.

As I listen quietly, Ainar shouts in frustration,

“Bjorn! Be honest! Have I become that ugly?”


“I’ve decided! Bjorn! I can’t enter the labyrinth with you anymore!”

Wait, hold on.

Why does the conclusion become that?


I’m drinking lukewarm beer.

Sitting alone on the 1st floor of the inn I’m staying at.


How can beer be this tasteless?

I think I chose the wrong inn.

The food is quite good, but with the owner brewing beer this badly…


I let out a long sigh, as if to shake off the bitter taste.

At the same time, the conversation I had with Ainar earlier today comes to mind.

After her bombshell declaration, we had a long conversation, but the outcome remained unchanged.

“I’m alone again.”

Ainar left.

Although her words were a bit rambling, as is typical of barbarians, it wasn’t just because of her appearance.

[Actually… yesterday, the elder offered me the position of successor.]

An elder of the sanctuary.

And among them, an elder renowned as a master of the sword. He took a liking to Ainar.

And today, she made a decision.

To learn swordsmanship under the elder.

[After all, if I enter the labyrinth, it’s only one day here, right?]

I asked.

It’s just one day a month.

Can’t she just spare one day and enter the labyrinth with me?

Ainar was troubled.

[I want to do that too, but… I heard there’s a special training method, and I can’t leave the sanctuary for six months.]

Special training… could it be that?

If so, it makes sense that she can’t enter the labyrinth for six months.

I also know what a great opportunity this is for her.

[I won’t ask you to wait. And I won’t ask you to accept me unconditionally when the time comes either. I will definitely train hard and return as a great warrior who won’t hold you back.]

Therefore, I couldn’t hold her back.

After all, during this expedition, she was forced to swear an oath, succumbing to the marauder’s power.

And what about in the rift?

While the mage, the dwarf, and even I, who were from the same group, all played a role, she was helpless.

‘Actually, that must have been the decisive factor in her decision.’

Perhaps her changed appearance was just the final push.


Feeling a strange thirst, I take another sip of the lukewarm beer.

The bitterness rises from my esophagus.

‘So I have to find new companions again.’

I was planning to take it easy and prepare slowly this time.

Why do quests keep popping up every day?


  1. I hope Ainar comes back after her solo training journey


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