SGB: Episode 44

Episode 44: Line (1)

'But do I really need companions?'

That was the first thought that came to mind when Ainar mentioned leaving the party.

After all, I'm different from how I was two months ago.

'I feel like I could hunt a group of Death Fiends alone now.'

I've absorbed the essences of the Corpse Golem and the Vampire, and the guardian's essence at that.

My basic stats, including strength, have increased tremendously, and considering the regeneration-related skills, I'm practically invincible on the 2nd floor.

'I could do it if I really wanted to.'

No need for night watch.

No companions to trust with my back in emergencies.

But I make an objective judgment.

Even considering all that, I can definitely solo play safely at my current level.

'Well, the 3rd floor would still be impossible.'

[Dungeon and Stone] is a game that basically forces party play. No matter how strong your character is, soloing is impossible due to the game's structure.

The roles are divided so meticulously, and the absence of certain roles becomes fatal as you go up the floors.

For example, just like the Goblin Forest where a scout was essential.

There are walls that a 'tank' barbarian alone cannot overcome.

'And besides, the scale of monsters appearing changes from the 3rd floor onwards.'

After much deliberation, I come to a decision.

Find new companions of similar level.

If I can't find any, then join a team like that.

And together, hunt monsters on higher floors and aim for the top.

'That's more efficient than wasting time grinding alone on the 2nd floor.'

Of course, this will also be quite a headache.

I have to check not only their combat power and party composition but also whether they're trustworthy.

'Whew, where the hell do I find people like that?'

It seems like this month will be quite busy as well.

Excluding Erwen and Ainar, I don't really have any acquaintances in this world.


Just as I'm about to finish the rest of my beer and head up to my room...

"Hey, barbarian brother over there! What do you think?"

The group of explorers who have been drinking noisily at the next table since earlier call out to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, didn't you hear? This young fellow here is saying something cute."

Hmm, it doesn't seem like they're picking a fight.

When I gesture that I'll listen, a 20-something explorer explains the situation.

To summarize, it's like this:

Somehow, the topic of the barbarian of freedom came up. Naturally, the explorers were excitedly badmouthing the guild.

But then, a young explorer came over and started praising the guild, saying they shouldn't believe such baseless rumors.

The explorers who were listening openly mocked and ridiculed him, and they grabbed me as I happened to be passing by.

"That's why we wanted to hear your opinion, brother. What do you think? Do you also find the guild trustworthy?"

Damn, what a stupid question.

"I'd rather trust a piece of shit I find on the street than those bastards."

"Euahahaha! As expected, I knew you'd say that, brother! You look different from the average joe just by your eyes!"

The man laughs heartily, as if he's happy about something.

The young boy who was cowering in the corner blushes and jumps to his feet.

"Wait a minute! Why are you all acting like this, as explorers? Who would protect us in this city without the guild? We should be grateful!"

A moment of silence follows.

Then everyone at the table bursts into laughter.

"What? Be grateful? Pwahahahaha!"

"Kid! That's why you're treated like a newbie wherever you go!"

It seems like there's a culture among explorers where you have to distrust the guild to be recognized as a proper explorer.

"Everyone, let's stop this? He'll realize it eventually as he experiences more. That no one but himself can protect him."

"Keuh, those are words that touch the heart."

"Let's have a drink for that!"

The short incident ends, and the explorers start drinking again.

So I'm about to leave, but the man who first spoke to me approaches with a friendly expression.

"I'm Hans."


"Haha! It's a common name, right?"

I don't know for sure, but it seems common.

The first man I killed in the labyrinth was also named Hans.

"I am Bjorn, son of Yandel."

"I see! Since we met like this, if you're not too tired, how about another drink? Of course, drinks are on me!"

After a brief contemplation, I nod.

Although I've eavesdropped on many explorers' conversations while wandering around, I haven't had many opportunities to talk to them directly.

"So, brother, what kind of worries do you have that you're sitting here alone?"

Since I might be able to hear some unexpected advice, I honestly share my concerns.

"My team disbanded, and I'm looking for new companions. But I don't know where to start."

Hans listens intently and then tilts his head with a 'huh?' expression.

"If that's the problem, wouldn't it be easy to just go to the guild?"

"The guild?"

"Haha! Those guys are untrustworthy, but we should use what we can, right? How much of our taxes go to them!"

Hmm, that's definitely true.

One way or another, explorers can't be separated from the guild.

Even in the game, it was easy to find companions through the guild.


"I'm worried about whether I can trust the people I meet there."

"Hahaha! It seems like you haven't used it properly yet? It's changed a lot compared to before. There have been so many betrayals that wearing a video recording device is now mandatory."


There was no such thing in the game.

"Trust me and give it a try. The things you're worried about probably won't happen."

Hearing that, it doesn't seem like a bad idea to go.

The next morning.

I wake up with a slight hangover and head straight to the Magic Tower.

"You can't enter without a visitor's pass."

Shouldn't you ask if I have one first?

I'm annoyed by the discrimination against my race first thing in the morning, but when I show them the pass that Raven gave me, the employee lets me in without any complaints.


I arrive at the 31st floor.

As I enter Raven's personal research lab, I'm greeted by an even more cluttered interior than two days ago.

"Ah, you're here?"

Although it seems like the books and documents that were scattered around have been mostly cleaned up, they've been replaced by ominous-looking devices that fill the room.

"...What is this used for?"

I point to the most menacing-looking object and ask about its purpose.

"It's nothing special, just a magic tool that makes it easier to collect blood."

I'm surprised twice by her answer.

Once because it's not used for smashing human skulls, and twice because this barbaric-looking device is a magic tool.

"Then are you ready?"

"...It doesn't seem like it's ready yet."

"Oh, stop exaggerating. Come here."


I was half suspicious and half worried at first, but surprisingly, the examinations using the magic tools are all quite humane.

And the process is very fast, so it doesn't take long to finish everything.

However, just looking at the test results...

'There's nothing different from what I figured out on my own in prison.'

"First of all, we haven't found any major differences compared to other guardian essences. Ah, you know what I'm talking about, right?"

"I know."

Essences dropped by guardians have two characteristics.

First, the base stats are 1.5 times higher than those of regular essences.

"Since you know, it's better to just see it for yourself."

She shows me the vampire essence's stats that she estimated using various magic tools.

It's not particularly meaningful.

As expected, the paper has rough estimates like (High), (Medium), (Low) written on it...

And anyway, I can calculate the exact numbers by multiplying the stats of a regular vampire by 1.5.


Natural Regeneration +45, Strength +15, Agility +15, Magic Resistance +30, Physical Resistance +12, Soul Power +21, Mana Affinity +30, Darkness Resistance +12, Sun Resistance -12

Someone might say that the stats are low for a 5th-grade monster.

That's not entirely wrong.

The Corpse Golem essence, which was only 7th-grade, had high stats like Pain Resistance 70 and Bone Density 55.

And those stats were even multiplied by 1.5.


'Natural Regeneration, Magic Resistance, Physical Resistance, Soul Power, and even Mana Affinity...'

The value of the stats is different.

Even in the game, these valuable stats tend to have lower numbers.

Because if they give them out too freely, monsters would be born.

"I'm telling you again, you're really lucky, Mr. Yandel. Even regular vampire essences are hard to come by, but to get one from a guardian..."

Honestly, calling it lucky is an understatement.

Guardian essences of 5th grade or higher are practically considered graduation-level essences.

In many ways, it's definitely not something you should get in the early stages.

"Once you're done looking at that, take a look at this too. I've also organized the abilities just in case you don't know. There are four in total."

The corners of my mouth involuntarily turn upwards.


This is the second characteristic of guardian essences.

Normal essences only come with two skills, one passive and one active.

But guardian essences are different.

(P) Source of Darkness - Resists death as long as the heart is intact.

The basic passive skill, of course.

(A) Sacrificial Engraving - Physical abilities temporarily increase based on the number of living beings you've stained with your blood.

(A) Immortal - Regeneration temporarily increases significantly in proportion to lost health.

(A) Blood Lord - Temporarily absorb one of the target's skills when directly sucking their blood.

It comes with all the active skills that it can have.

Originally, to get [Sacrificial Engraving], you would have to absorb a vampire's yellow essence, and for [Blood Lord], you would need the red essence, but...

Guardian essences don't have that kind of distinction.

The acquisition difficulty is that high, though.

'With the Undying Engraving and this, my regeneration build is practically complete, right?'

It's a growth rate that's unbelievable even for me, someone who has played this game for ten years.

As I'm inwardly satisfied, I hear her muttering to herself.

"Alright, then that's it for today. You've worked hard. Come back next week whenever you're free. I'll be here anyway."

"Is there anything else to investigate here?"

"What are you talking about? If this essence is going to be adopted as official academic data, I need to conduct at least ten more reaction tests."

...I see.

"I didn't know, so don't get mad."

"I'm not mad. Anyway, if there's time left, I'm also thinking of looking into the Corpse Golem essence, so don't even think about running away."


I gather my clothes, which I had taken off for the examination, and put them on.

And before leaving, I ask one more question.

"Raven, do you have any plans to enter the labyrinth in the future?"

"Hmm, I don't think so for a while... Why?"

"Ahem! It's better to go with people you know!"

She laughs as if it's absurd, as if she can see right through me, who is feeling awkward even to myself.

"Excuse me, but we're not that close, are we?"

"Forget it, just pretend you didn't hear that."


Her voice suddenly turns sharp.

Come to think of it, this was her original personality.

She's usually quiet, but when she gets pissed off, she becomes incredibly rude.

"Seriously, how could you ask me to join a team with only two barbarians?"

To be precise, it's not even two.

One of them quit yesterday.

If I say that, the atmosphere will probably get even worse, but...

"...That's why I said to forget it!"

"How can I forget something I already heard?"

Seriously, is this something to raise your voice about?

As I'm wondering how to react to her sudden outburst...


She lets out a long sigh, as if engraving the word 'patience' into her heart.

"Mr. Yandel, even if it's not me, if you're going to ask a mage to join your team, at least bring a proper team. Hmm... It would be good if all the members were 6th grade or higher, and having a priest would be nice too."

Damn it, as if I don't know that?

If my situation were that good, I wouldn't have made such an offer to you.

"A, alright."

Mages really are arrogant.

"Then I'll be on my way."

"Ah! Wait a minute!"

Raven stops Bjorn, who is about to leave.

She just remembered something she didn't ask.

"Back then! What was that thing? The one you shoved into the unconscious vampire's mouth. I felt divine power from it..."

It was a question that arose while she was recording the past events to report to her master.

What exactly was that?

It definitely wasn't something a 9th-grade explorer would carry around.

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about."


"Didn't you just misinterpret something? It was a chaotic situation, wasn't it?"

"Misinterpret? No way. I clearly felt it, I'm telling you—"

"I'll be on my way now. I have somewhere to be."

"Hey! Wait! Hold on—"


He closes the door and leaves before she can say anything else.

'So, you're saying you're hiding something, huh?'

She frowns, looking at the spot where he left, and then heads to her study with a huff.

And she takes out a thick book.

[Complete Record of Rifts III]

A record that compiles information on rifts.

It's an old book with a simple title like that, without even the author's name written on it.

Surprisingly, this book, which she bought by chance at the free market when she was young, contained knowledge that wasn't even recorded in the academic community.

"What page was the Crimson Fortress on..."

She flips through the pages and stops at one spot.

The map of the underground prison.

The exact location of the hidden passage.

The method to obtain the 'Necronomicon' in the Demon Worship Chamber, and so on. It's a page with high-level information on the Crimson Fortress.

Unfortunately, there are also parts that can't be read.

Two of them.

[Tears of the Goddess]

Acquisition method: ——————.

[Golden Mask]

——— : ——— —.

Two items whose acquisition methods have been lost to the passage of time, becoming unknown.

She searched everywhere to find them herself, but in the end, she couldn't.

As she clicks her tongue in disappointment, she tilts her head.

'Wait, Tears of the Goddess... I feel like I've heard that somewhere before...'

Where was it?

As she tries to recall the faint memory, she takes out a few religious books and quickly flips through the pages one by one.

And after some time...

Her hand stops as she flips through the pages.

[Tears of the Goddess]

A consumable sacred relic of unknown origin.

When destroyed, it releases a powerful 'blessing' at the location.

150 years ago, during the dimensional collapse, Cardinal Androne used all three of them to save the Pope, and since then, they have disappeared from the world.

"A sacred relic?"

She is startled and checks the illustration on the next page.

Although it's hard to be sure since she only saw it from afar, the shape and size seem roughly similar.

Even the usage method and effect are the same.


Raven is confused.

No matter how she looks at it, this doesn't seem like a mere coincidence.

But if it's not a coincidence...

How did the barbarian, who just became an adult, know the location of the [Tears of the Goddess] and even think of using it immediately?

'Could it be that Mr. Yandel is...'

She stares at the book with her eyes gleaming, a possibility coming to mind.

'I need to confirm it.'

No matter how long it takes.

It will be worth it.
