SGB: Episode 45

Episode 45: Line (2)

I returned to the accommodation and became lost in thought while organizing my backpack.

The cause was none other than this metal helmet I was holding.

‘Should I sell this or not?’

The official name of this helmet in the game is ‘Golden Mask’.

It’s an item that can be acquired after defeating the boss of the ‘Crimson Fortress’ and fulfilling several special conditions.

Its effect is simple.

It allows the wearer to customize their facial features.

For exactly 30 days.

‘And it even had a limited number of uses, right?’

I think it was up to 5 times?

I remember it would disappear from the inventory after being used up.

Of course, I’m not sure.

It’s because it’s an item I never used myself except for the first time I acquired it.

After that, I always sold it at the exchange.

For about 500,000 stones.

‘Tsk, still, it makes me hesitate…’

Of course, if I were playing the game, I wouldn’t even consider it.

After all, a cosmetic item?

What’s the point of decorating a character with 2D pixel graphics, and for a short period of 30 days at that?

It’s better to sell it even if it’s only worth 10,000 stones.

However, this place where I am now is undeniably reality.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I make a decision.

‘Just in case, let’s keep it for now. I’m not short on money anyway.’

The situation is different from the game in many ways.

Just recently, I was falsely accused and imprisoned.

If a situation arises where I have to turn this city into my enemy, this item will definitely play a huge role.

Or maybe I’ll find another use for it.

‘Money is the best after all.’

Once I finish contemplating, I realize the importance of money once again.

If I hadn’t made a lot of money this time, I would have definitely chosen to sell it.

And as you can see from this…

Having money increases your options.

Whether it’s a game, reality…

Or even this distant world.

“Hey! Did you hear? The Crystal Alliance disbanded!”

The silver-haired fairy who was quietly finishing her meal in the corner of the restaurant, Daria Withember di Tersia, perks up her pointed ears.

It’s because she hears a conversation on a topic she’s interested in.

“What? The Crystal Alliance disbanded?”

Crystal Alliance.

It’s an explorer clan that has grown explosively in the past 10 years, forming a vast network based on countless message stones and providing various conveniences to 1st-floor explorers.

“Isn’t it surprising? A perfectly fine explorer clan disappearing overnight?”

“Huh! Perfectly fine? Were those guys ever explorers in the first place?”

As far as she knows, most of the Crystal Alliance members were ordinary people who had entered the realm of explorers due to the pressure of taxes.

They have their main jobs in the city and only spend one day a month going to the labyrinth.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with that in itself.

No, she actually thinks their purpose was good.

In fact, she heard that many ordinary people who were on the verge of not being able to pay their taxes were saved thanks to this.


“Anyway, it’s good news! I was annoyed by them acting all high and mighty everywhere, pretending to be explorers.”

The Crystal Alliance has changed.

Not only did they start excluding outsiders as they grew in power, but they also used their influence to commit evil deeds against newbies.

Just look at what happened to her sister.

Not only did they try to do something unspeakable, but they even tried to kill her to silence her.

‘I hate to admit it, but if it weren’t for that barbarian, something unimaginable might have happened.’

She was also planning on taking care of them someday after hearing about the incident.

But it seems like there’s no need for that now.

Coincidentally, thanks to a barbarian once again.

“Anyway, I haven’t asked yet. So why did they suddenly disband?”

“Ah, you haven’t heard about that either?”

“About what?”

“The barbarian of freedom!”

She secretly listens to the following story and frowns involuntarily.

The more she hears, the more interesting it becomes.

He cleared his name by escaping from prison and even took the regional manager’s daughter hostage?

“Things have gotten so big that they say even the marauder detection law, which was supposed to be applied only to 9th-grade explorers, will be quietly dropped because of this incident.”

It’s definitely a story worthy of such attention.

The one who falsely accused him has already been hanged in the execution grounds, and even the Crystal Alliance, with its bloated size, seems to be facing consequences for its past actions.


“But you know what’s even more surprising? That barbarian is only a 9th-grade explorer! In other words, he just finished his coming-of-age ceremony!”

A 9th-grade explorer who just finished his coming-of-age ceremony.

Hearing this story, one person comes to mind.

The barbarian who was confident even in front of her, and who showed various other qualities that set him apart.

‘There can’t be such a coincidence…’

She shakes her head as if to dispel the thought.

And she leaves the restaurant and heads back to the inn.

But with every step she takes, she can’t help but think…

‘Is that barbarian really dead?’

Until now, there was no room for doubt based on the circumstances.

But if the protagonist of the story she just heard is him…

‘Then it would explain why he hasn’t returned to the inn for two days…’

Should she tell her sister about this?


Lost in such thoughts, she opens the door to her room and sees her sister, who has become noticeably thinner.

She’s sitting on the bed, eyes closed, controlling three flames that look like they could go out at any moment.

Even in the labyrinth, two was her limit…

“Ah, sister, you’re back?”

“…Were you summoning spirits this whole time?”

“Yeah, I have to widen my vessel somehow…”

At her words, her expression hardens.

The training method itself isn’t surprising.

It was she who taught it to her in the first place.

However, her sister has never pushed herself to the limit like this before.

“You know, sister, I think I heard the voice of fire.”


“I finally understand. How to become stronger. Why I was so weak until now. Why I always had to rely on someone else…”

Her sister, who always seemed timid and avoided eye contact when speaking, now looks at her directly and continues,

“I wasn’t desperate enough.”

Although there’s no energy in her hoarse voice, one thing is clear.

It’s her determination.

The one thing her sister lacked the most has finally been filled.

The cause of this change is obvious.

That’s why Daria keeps her mouth shut.

‘Even if that story is true… it’s better not to say anything now.’

Just like 10 years ago.

This will be for the sake of her precious sister.

Past noon.

I visit the Explorer’s Guild branch I went to yesterday.

Honestly, I’d rather not come anywhere near this place after the hell I went through, but…

I have no choice but to do it to proceed with the quest I received yesterday.

“What can I help you with?”

“I’m looking for suitable companions.”

“Do you have any specific requirements?”

The guild administrator gets straight to the point without any unnecessary chatter.

I answer without hesitation.

“I’m looking for a team of at least four people operating on the 3rd floor or higher.”

Since things have turned out this way, I’m not just going to settle for filling Ainar’s vacancy.

Instead, I plan to use my promotion to a 7th-grade explorer to join a team with capable members and efficiently conquer the tower.

‘Well, that’s assuming there’s a decent team.’

I hand over my identification card along with the personal information form I filled out beforehand, and the administrator, who had sleepy eyes, flinches.

Then he checks it several times with a strange look.

“…Five stars?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Ah, no!”

The administrator suddenly seems energized.

I don’t know what the stars mean, but his tone has become more polite for some reason.

“This is a list of teams that meet the requirements you mentioned, Mr. Bjorn Yandel. Would you like to take a look?”

The paperwork is finished in less than 5 minutes.

“There aren’t many, are there?”

“I, I swear, that’s all the recruitment notices registered with the guild that meet your conditions!”

Did I say anything?

I just stated a fact, I don’t know why he’s swearing about it.


The document the guild member handed me contains brief descriptions of fifteen teams in total.

Let’s read the first one…

[3rd Floor Exploration – Ellen Borneff]

Preferred exploration area: Twilight Slope, Steelrock Hill, Pitch-black Estuary.

Average rank: 7th grade.

Current members: 2 human melee warriors (7th grade), 1 beastman melee warrior (7th grade), 1 dwarf melee warrior (7th grade).

Recruiting: 1 melee warrior.

*Equal distribution.

*Fairies not welcome.

*Participation in pre- and post-exploration gatherings is mandatory.

*Drinking during exploration is allowed if desired.

What the hell is with this team?

Just reading the text makes me feel like I’m surrounded by the smell of sweat.

I read the recruitment notices of other teams, feeling apprehensive, but I can’t find any that I like.

If the members are good, the distribution ratio is stingy, and if the distribution ratio is good, there’s something wrong with the team composition.

‘…If I can tell that much just from the notice, the reality must be even worse.’

If I had a bit more experience, finding a team would have been much easier.

The fact that my highest reached floor is the 2nd floor…

If I weren’t a complete newbie, the range of options available to me would be much wider.

There wouldn’t be teams trying to rip me off with such a low distribution ratio.

‘This is troublesome.’

I’d rather post my own recruitment notice and form a team, but…

No one would come, right?

And even if someone did come, they wouldn’t be normal.

‘I didn’t expect to find a team in just one day anyway.’

“Did you find any teams you’re interested in?”

“I don’t see any today.”

I shake my head and return the document, and the administrator mumbles as if he’s an NPC.

“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry I couldn’t be of help despite your visit. If you’d like, I can make your information available for other teams to view—”

“That’s fine, I’ll come back next time.”

“Ah, will you? I was Terbes, a guild member who is always kind to explorers.”

He was definitely kind in his voice, tone, and actions.

His work performance was also flawless.

“Then goodbye, explorer!”

But… why do I feel so strange?

Leaving the Explorer’s Guild with an inexplicable sense of unease and heading back to the inn…

I stop at a corner in the alley.

It’s because of one barbarian.


A scruffy beard.

Tattered and dirty pants.

Although most barbarians tend to look like beggars, his appearance is particularly wretched as he leans against the wall in the alley, resting.

‘What is this?’

I feel a sense of dissonance as soon as I see him.

It’s a dissonance that I can only feel because I’ve been spending time with barbarians, even though we lived in separate accommodations.

Although it’s normal for barbarians to rest wherever they want…

‘Why… does he not have a weapon?’

He has no weapon.

This is a serious contradiction.

No matter how poor, hungry, or cold they are, barbarians always carry a weapon as if it were their life.

I usually ignore most curiosities, but I approach him and speak as if drawn by instinct.

But what is this?


“…Hic, eek!”

The barbarian, who was dozing off against the wall, is startled and flustered when he sees me.

Well, being afraid of strangers is a natural reaction as a living creature, but…

That’s for other creatures. Our brave barbarians don’t do that.

‘Damn, this bastard, could it be…’

The formless sense of dissonance starts to take shape.

My heart skips a beat, but I quickly calm my emotions and organize what I need to do.

Hmm, first I need to lower his guard.

“Don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you.”

As proof that I’m not an enemy, I take out some jerky from my backpack and force it into his hand.

It’s the greatest act of kindness a barbarian can offer.

Of course, he just takes it without eating it in front of me.

However, I can clearly feel that the wariness in his eyes has lessened somewhat.

‘Well, this should be enough to have a conversation.’

I ask as if I’ve been waiting for this.

“Why were you here like this?”

“Th, that’s, well… I, I don’t have any money…”

I nod silently.

A barbarian without money.

That can happen.

No, come to think of it, it’s only natural.


“What about your weapon?”

“I, I sold it…”

He sold his weapon and is even using honorifics…

“Let’s exchange names. I’m Bjorn, son of Yandel.”

“Ta, Tarik, son of Liyen!”

He raises his voice as if realizing his mistake, but it’s too late.

I’m already certain.

“It’s nice to meet you! Tarik, son of Liyen!”

This guy is an evil spirit.

And one that hasn’t been in this world for very long.


  1. Nope, don't get involved with this dude. He's obviously going to die soon.

    1. Idk, I feel like transmigrators should try to stick with each other somehow. Like their "natural allies" you know? With all of them being hunted down.


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